What is the deepest part of Kerr Lake?
What is the deepest part of Kerr Lake?
100′Kerr Lake / Max depth
Are there spotted bass in Kerr Lake?
Kerr Scott’s bass community once consisted mostly of largemouth and spotted bass, with smallmouth occasionally caught. Spotted bass slightly outnumbered largemouth, but the ratio was relatively constant and there were no signs of spotted bass harming the largemouth population.
Is Kerr Lake clean?
Here are the answers: 1) Yes, Kerr Lake is safe for swimming. There are no health advisories/warnings issued from the state regarding swimming in Kerr Lake. The Corps tests for Fecal Coliform (E.
How deep is Kerr Lake VA?
about 30 feet
Kerr Reservoir is over 100 feet deep at the dam with an average depth of about 30 feet. The Corps of Engineers manages four campgrounds and leases land to the states of North Carolina and Virginia which manage another eight campgrounds and there are private marinas as well.
What kind of fish are in Kerr Lake?
White perch
Striped bassLargemouth bassBluegill
Kerr Lake/Fish
How large is Kerr Lake?
77.22 mi²Kerr Lake / Area
Is it safe to swim in Kerr Lake?
Is it safe to swim and boat in Kerr Reservoir? Sample results from the reservoir (for metals) are well below levels of concern for recreational use. However, if a swimmer comes in contact with what appears to be coal ash, health officials recommend thoroughly washing off with soap and water.
How clean is lake Hickory?
Based on the calculated NCTSI scores, Lake Hickory was moderately productive (mesotrophic) in May, July and August, and very productive (eutrophic) in June and September. Overall, this reservoir was determined to be mesotrophic in 2017.
What kind of fish is in Kerr Lake?
Can you have alcohol on Kerr Lake?
Remember when visting Kerr Lake- alcohol is prohibited in our recreation areas.