What is the deadliest dive site in the world?

Here are the Top 10 Most Dangerous Dive Sites in The World

  • Egypt’s Blue Hole, Dahab, and Sinai, Egypt.
  • Blue Hole, Lighthouse Reef, Belize.
  • The Shaft Sinkhole, Mount Gambier, Australia.
  • Cenote Esqueleto, The Temple of Doom, Tulum, Mexico.
  • Coco’s Island, Costa Rica.
  • Samaesan Hole, Samaesan Bay, Thailand.

Is Scubadiving hard?

Is it hard to learn to scuba dive? As active recreational pastimes go, scuba diving is one of the easiest to learn. While you’re gliding around enjoying the underwater sights, you’re engaged in only three basic skills: floating, kicking and breathing.

Is there good diving in Cozumel?

Cozumel has some of the best diving in the Caribbean. Cozumel has excellent conditions, and abundant marine life. Cozumel has a variety of dive sites, but it is most well known for its stunning wall dives and leisurely drift dives.

What are the 4 diving positions?

The four different body positions are tuck, pike, straight and free.

  • Tuck – The body is bent at the waist and knees.
  • Pike – The diver’s legs are straight.
  • Straight – There is no bend in the body at all.
  • Free – The free position is not an actual body position.

Why are there still bodies in the Blue Hole?

“Anything that fell into the hole decomposed until that process used up all of the oxygen below 290 feet,” Bergman explained, adding that there is no oxygen below the layer, so any living thing becomes preserved. “Without oxygen, nothing survives,” she continued.

Why are bodies left in blue hole Egypt?

The Story behind Diver’s Cemetery at the Blue Hole Family and friends of the divers who have lost their lives at the blue hole have left plaques in the rocks nearby the site to honor the death of their loved ones. The area now is considered a divers cemetery for those whose bodies were not found after their death.

How deep can you scuba without certification?

-Javier Cantellops. The short, super long answer is… as an Open Water certified diver you are qualified to dive “independently” (with a buddy of course), without a certified professional guiding you, to 18m/60ft. This is why we recommend continuing your scuba education and going on more dives.

Do I need a wetsuit to dive in Cozumel?

Most scuba divers in Cozumel wear wetsuits and tend to opt for full-length 3mm-5mm wetsuits, light hoods, and booties in the cooler diving season months of December through March, and shift down to 2-3mm wetsuits and fewer thermal layers or accessories during the warmer months of June through October.

What are the best months to dive in Cozumel?

November-March in particular are the best months for bull shark sightings. May-September brings warm waters, uncrowded dive sites and generally calm conditions. This is the best time to dive in Cozumel if you like it warm, but diving in the Caribbean Sea is pleasant at any time of year.
