What is the current version of Webex?
What is the current version of Webex?
See Webex App | Release Notes to get information about the issue resolved with this release. The following is the app version that corresponds to today’s update: Windows—42.5. 0.22221.
What is Cisco Webex meetings server?
Cisco WebEx Meetings Server is a virtualized, software-based solution that runs on Cisco Unified Computing System™ (Cisco UCS®) Servers and VMware. It uses virtual appliance technology for rapid turn-up of services to end users.
How much RAM does Webex need?
Intel Dual-Core CPU 2. XX GHz or AMD processor (4 GB of RAM minimum recommended).
Why can’t I join my Webex meeting?
Close all open web browsers, open a new browser, and try to start/join the meeting again. If you are still not able to start/join the meeting, clear cache and cookies in your web browser, see: WBX37919 – How Do I Clear the Cache and Cookies in Microsoft Internet Explorer?
How do I schedule a Cisco WebEx Meeting?
– Select Schedule a meeting. – Specify the date, time, and other details you need to include. – Add a Cisco Webex room or desk device by selecting Scheduling Assistant > Add Rooms on Windows or Scheduling or Room Finder and then Add Room on the Mac and
What licenses do I need to use Cisco meeting server?
Call Bridge
How to generate a CSR on Cisco WebEx Meeting?
How to join a WebEx Meeting without installing any software?
You can join a Webex meeting using the desktop app,a web browser,or the mobile app.