What is the current population of Spain 2021?

The population of Spain in 2021 was 46,745,216, a 0.02% decline from 2020. The population of Spain in 2020 was 46,754,778, a 0.04% increase from 2019. The population of Spain in 2019 was 46,736,776, a 0.09% increase from 2018.

What is the population in Spain in 2022?

In the long-term, the Spain Population is projected to trend around 47.85 Million in 2022 and 48.21 Million in 2023, according to our econometric models.

What is the official population of Spain?

The current population of Spain is 46,789,539 as of Sunday, June 5, 2022, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data. Spain 2020 population is estimated at 46,754,778 people at mid year according to UN data. Spain population is equivalent to 0.6% of the total world population.

What percentage of Spain is populated?

Spain’s total land area is 505 944 km2, with a population density of 92.67 inhabitants/km2. The proportion of the population living in urban areas is 81%. as for the ageing of the population: the average age of the population is 43.58 years.

What is the estimated population of Spain in 2014?

At 1 January 2014, population resident in Spain stood at 46,507,760 inhabitants, representing 220,130 less inhabitants than at the beginning of 2013. In relative terms, the population decreased 0.47% in 2013, as compared to the decrease of 0.19% registered throughout 2012.

What is the population of Madrid 2022?

The current metro area population of Madrid in 2022 is 6,714,000, a 0.67% increase from 2021. The metro area population of Madrid in 2021 was 6,669,000, a 0.77% increase from 2020. The metro area population of Madrid in 2020 was 6,618,000, a 0.9% increase from 2019.

What is the population of Barcelona 2021?

5.7 million
As of January 2021, the inhabitants of the province of Barcelona amounted to nearly 5.7 million, which is also the second highest figure registered during the period under consideration.

Why is Spain population so low?

The main reasons for the declining population in Spain relate to emigration in search of work and the decreasing birth rate as a consequence of the economic climate and certain cultural norms in the country: Economic woes: high unemployment levels and low wages. Couples are staying at home for longer.

Is Spain overpopulated?

A LEADING study by a UK professor on European population figures has revealed that Spain is one of the most densely populated countries in the EU.

Is Spain a rich country?

It is the world’s fourteenth-largest by nominal GDP and the fifth-largest in Europe. Spain is a member of the European Union and the eurozone, as well as the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and the World Trade Organization.

What is the population in Barcelona 2022?

The current metro area population of Barcelona in 2022 is 5,658,000, a 0.6% increase from 2021. The metro area population of Barcelona in 2021 was 5,624,000, a 0.68% increase from 2020. The metro area population of Barcelona in 2020 was 5,586,000, a 0.81% increase from 2019.

What is the black population of Spain?

around one million
There is no official census to determine exactly how many people of African descent live in Spain, but estimates suggest that the black population of Spain is around one million.