What is the CPT code for substance abuse counseling?

Substance Abuse Therapeutic Procedures

HCPCS Code Description Telehealth Services Covered?
T1006 Alcohol and/or substance abuse services, family/couple counseling [quantity of 1.0 = 60 minutes] Yes (use “GT” modifier)

What is H0014?

H0014 – Alcohol and/or drug services; ambulatory detoxification.

What is CPT code H0015?

H0015- Alcohol and/or drug services; intensive outpatient (treatment program that operates at least 3 hours/day and at least 3 days/week and is based on an individualized treatment plan), including assessment, counseling; crisis intervention, and activity therapies or education.

What is the CPT code for Alcohol counseling?

Specific CPT codes have been developed for alcohol abuse counseling. These services are reported as follows: Code: 99408. Description: Alcohol and/or substance abuse, structured (eg, AUDIT, DAST), and brief intervention (SBI) service; 15 to 30 minutes (Do not report services of less than 15 minutes with 99408)

What is the ICD 10 code for alcohol abuse?

Alcohol abuse with intoxication, unspecified F10. 129 is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes. The 2022 edition of ICD-10-CM F10. 129 became effective on October 1, 2021.

What is CPT code H0020?

Billing and Reimbursement Providers should bill one unit of Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) code H0020 – Alcohol and/ or drug services; methadone administration and/or service (provision of the drug by a licensed program), for each day a member presents for treatment.

What is HCPCS code H0005?

HCPCS code H0005 for Alcohol and/or drug services; group counseling by a clinician as maintained by CMS falls under Drug, Alcohol, and Behavioral Health Services .

What is HCPCS code S0201?

S0201 is a valid 2022 HCPCS code for Partial hospitalization services, less than 24 hours, per diem or just “Partial hospitalization serv” for short, used in Other medical items or services.

How do you code alcohol use disorder?

Based upon the DSM-5 criteria, the patient appears to have a diagnosis of Alcohol Use Disorder (Mild) (ICD-10 code F10. 10).