What is the corner of the mouth called?

The commissure is the corner of the mouth, where the vermillion border of the superior labium (upper lip) meets that of the inferior labium (lower lip).

What does commissure mean?

Definition of commissure 1 : a point or line of union or junction especially between two anatomical parts (such as adjacent heart valves) 2 : a connecting band of nerve tissue in the brain or spinal cord.

What are the 3 commissures?

In the human brain they consist of the anterior commissure, corpus callosum, and the hippocampal commissure of the fornix. These three commissures can be easily visualized with current tractography methods (Figure 9.1; for the hippocampal commissure see Figure 11.2 in Chapter 11).

What is the commissure called?

The hippocampal commissure, or commissure of fornix, is a bundle of fibres interconnecting the hippocampi of the two cerebral hemispheres. More specifically, this commissure connects a part of the body of the fornix called the crus on both sides of the midline.

What is the area between your chin and lip called?

Labiomental groove – Area that separates the lower lip and the chin.

Why is the upper lip called Cupid’s bow?

The Cupid’s bow is a facial feature where the double curve of a human upper lip is said to resemble the bow of Cupid, the Roman god of erotic love. The peaks of the bow coincide with the philtral columns giving a prominent bow appearance to the lip.

What is Decussation?

The crossing of the right and left corticospinal tract is known as decussation. The few fibers, variable in number, that do not cross are known as the uncrossed anterior corticospinal tract. The primary corticospinal tract is the lateral corticospinal tract.

What is the difference between Connective and commissure?

“Commissure” is a noun, and it refers to a place where two parts of the body unite. For example, the “median commissure” of the brain is the collection of axons (white matter) where the two sides of the brain connect. “Connective” is an adjective, and it refers to something which attaches one thing to another.

Is the corpus callosum a commissure?

The corpus callosum is the largest set of commissural fibers in the brain and is a pathway of crucial importance to speech-language functions (Fig. 2-10, B). The corpus callosum serves as the major connection between the hemispheres and conveys neural information from one hemisphere to the other.

How many commissures are there in the brain?

The five are the anterior commissure, posterior commissure, corpus callosum, commissure of fornix (hippocampal commissure), and habenular commissure. They consist of fibre tracts that connect the two cerebral hemispheres and span the longitudinal fissure.

What is the space between your lip and nose called?

The philtrum is the midline groove in the upper lip that runs from the top of the lip to the nose. The way the philtrum appears is determined genetically. In some syndromes this grove is shortened. The physical landmarks of the human face are very similar from one face to another.