What is the conjugation for Conducir?

Present Tense Conjugation of Conducir

Subject Pronouns Conducir Conjugation Translation
yo conduzco I drive/I am driving
conduces you drive/you are driving
él, ella, usted conduce he/she/drives/you (formal) are driving
nosotros/nosotras conducimos we drive/we are driving

What is Conducir in preterite tense?

Preterite Tense – Verb Conducir Conducir means to drive. It is irregular in the preterite. Yo conduje mi motocicleta. I drove my motorcycle.

Does Conducir have a stem change?

Notice how there is an important spelling change in all preterite forms. Conducir, like many other irregular verbs, is a verb with j preterite stems where the c becomes a j. Sometimes even native speakers forget this rule.

How do you use Conducir?

Example Sentences I know how to drive, I finally passed the test. No me gusta conducir, el tráfico me estresa. I don’t like driving, traffic stresses me out. Qué despacio conduces.

Is Conducir irregular?

Conducir is a Spanish verb meaning to drive. Conducir is conjugated as an irregular verb in the preterite tense. Conducir appears on the 100 Most Used Spanish Preterite Tense Verbs Poster as the 31st most used irregular verb.

What is the difference between Conducir and Manejar?

Manejar involves taking action to get something. Originally, these actions were manual (manos = “hands”), and the word relates to manipular (“manipulate”) and maniobrar (“maneuver”). Conducir involves carrying something in one direction.

Is Conducir imperfect or preterite?

preterite tense
It is in the preterite tense, one of the past tenses used in Spanish. This past tense is used to talk about events in the past that have a definite beginning and definite end.

What is the meaning of Conducir?

conducir Verb. conducir, ride, to Verb (rides; rode; riding) drive, to Verb (drives; drove; driving)

What is the negative Tu command for Conducir?

Using the chart below you can learn how to conjugate the Spanish verb conducir in Negative Imperative tense….Mode: Imperative.

Personal Pronoun Conjugation
Tu conduzcas
El/Ella conduzca
Nosotros conduzcamos
Vosotros conduzcáis

What’s the difference between Manejar and Conducir?

What is Conducir in subjunctive?

We use the present subjunctive to express wishes and requests, doubts, possibilities in the present or the future, or to make negative suppositions….

Subject Pronouns Conducir: Present Subjunctive
él/ella/usted conduzca
nosotros/as conduzcamos
vosotros/as conduzcáis
ellos/ellas/ustedes conduzcan