What is the common name of Lactuca sativa?
What is the common name of Lactuca sativa?
Lactuca sativa (lettuce)
What is the meaning of Lactuca sativa?
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) is an annual plant of the daisy family, Asteraceae. It is most often grown as a leaf vegetable, but sometimes for its stem and seeds. Lettuce is most often used for salads, although it is also seen in other kinds of food, such as soups, sandwiches and wraps; it can also be grilled.
Where is Lactuca sativa found?
Cultivated lettuce (Lactuca sativa) has been around for thousands of years, but is apparently derived from prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola), native to Eurasia and itself a common weed in North America. As a naturalized weed, cultivated lettuce is typically ephemeral , but it is found throughout most of the world.
Is Lactuca sativa edible?
Edible Uses Leaves – raw or cooked[7, 37]. A mild slightly sweet flavour with a crisp texture, lettuce is a very commonly used salad leaf and can also be cooked as a potherb or be added to soups etc[183].
How do you pronounce Lactuca sativa?
Phonetic spelling of Lactuca sativa
- lactuca sativa.
- Lac-tuca s-ativa. Matteo Carter.
- Lac-tuca sativa.
What is the family of Lactuca sativa?
Daisy familyLettuce / Family
Is cooked lettuce poisonous?
Cooking kills E. coli O157 and other bacteria. So other vegetables may be getting contaminated just as lettuce is, but because the vegetables are mostly being cooked, there is no widespread outbreak of illness.
What kind of lettuce is Lactuca sativa?
Plant Type: Vegetable Lactuca sativa ‘Salad Bowl’ is a loose-leaf lettuce, with pretty burgundy green crimped leaves with a good flavour, suitable for salads and also garnishing.
How do you grow Lactuca sativa?
Sow seeds thinly 13mm (0.5in) deep, cover with soil and water in well. The timing of sowing depends on cropping time. Summer/autumn crops: Sow outdoors from late March to late July. For an earlier crop, sow indoors with gentle heat in early February and plant out in early March under cloches.
Should I wash pre washed lettuce?
The quick answer is: yes, you probably should wash pre-washed lettuce. No matter what the bag claims, pre-washed lettuce might not be as clean as you think. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) encourages lettuce to be washed with a bleach solution to kill harmful bacteria.