What is the cheat code for Super Heroes 2?

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 cheat codes list

Cheat Code
Crimson Dynamo CDS278
Darkstar S947TP
Giant-Man GAVK9R
Grandmaster (Thor: Ragnarok) LBYT59

How do you unlock the secret characters in Lego Marvel superheroes 2?

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 – Cheat code guide for secret…

  1. Antman — BCR7QJ.
  2. Captain Britain — M68P3L.
  3. Crimson Dynamo — CDS278.
  4. Darkstar Cheat Code — S947TP.
  5. Giant-Man (Hank Pym) — GAVK9R.
  6. Green Goblin — XG7SAL.
  7. Baby Groot — QG3VH9.
  8. Hawkeye — G6K2VM.

Does Lego Marvel superheroes 2 have cheats?

Cheat Codes can also be entered and accessed by using the TV in Gwenpool’s room in the Avengers Mansion. All cheats are reset to off when you quit the game, so will need to be reactivated each time you play should you wish to use them.

Is venom in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2?

Welcome to IGN’s guide to every character in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 — including Cheat Codes. Below you will find every hero with a link to their own page. Included is a description of how to unlock each character as well….Characters.

Character How to Unlock
Venom 2099 Complete Symbiote Surprise

How do you get Deadpool in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2?

Deadpool is one of the most difficult characters to unlock in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes — if not THE most difficult. You need all 11 Red Bricks — also known as Deadpool Bricks — to unlock him. One of the locations of a red brick requires 200 Gold Bricks to get into, so you’ll have to play a lot of the game.

Can you get Deadpool in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2?

Deadpool is one of the 2 characters without a cheat code (meaning that deadpool can only be unlocked if you unlock all his bricks) the other is Stan Lee.