What is the cheapest county in NY to live in?

Herkimer County #1 Counties with the Lowest Cost of Living in New York.

What is the cheapest place to live in NY?

Most Affordable Places to Live in New York

  • Albany.
  • Buffalo.
  • Geneva.
  • Hudson.
  • Lake Placid.
  • North Tonawanda.
  • Saratoga Springs.
  • Syracuse.

What is the cost of living in upstate NY?

Comparison Highlights

Cost of Living Indexes Albany, NY Syracuse, NY
Overall Index: Homeowner, No Child care, Taxes Not Considered 96.5 84.1
Food & Groceries 100.9 96.8
Housing (Homeowner) 79.7 38.1
Median Home Cost $238,800 $148,700

Is it cheaper to live in upstate New York?

Upstate New York. Living in New York City is more expensive than living anywhere else in New York state.

What is the most affordable city in New York?

The 5 Most Affordable Cities in New York

  • Schenectady. Located just 20 miles from Albany, Schenectady lays claim to New York’s first historic district and the oldest residential neighborhood in the country: the Stockade Historic District.
  • Troy.
  • Albany.
  • Kingston.
  • Saratoga Springs.

What is a good salary in upstate NY?

Upstate Salary in New York

Annual Salary Monthly Pay
Top Earners $120,655 $10,054
75th Percentile $86,103 $7,175
Average $73,811 $6,150
25th Percentile $42,777 $3,564

Where is the cheapest city in New York?

Why are houses so cheap in Upstate New York?

The property tax in upstate New York is extremely high. That the tax is so high explains why the house prices are low compared with other parts of the country.