What is the cause or consideration of an obligation?

Cause or consideration is the essential reason which moves the parties to enter into a contract. This is the “why of the contract” which dictates the nature of the contract.

What are the requisites of cause?

Requisites of Cause CAUSE OF CONTRACTS (1350) 1. It must exist (no cause, no effect) Causa – the essential or more proximate purpose which contracting parties have in view 2. it must be lawful – not contrary to law, at the time of entering into a contract moral, xxx (Art. 1354) CLASSIFICATION OF CONTRACT 3.

What is the difference between consideration and cause?

They are essentially the same in conception. Not that the law as to cause and that as to consideration are identical in detail; but cause, like consideration, is something artificial,’ which, in addition to consent, is said to be required to be pre- sent at the time of the making of an agreement.

What is the object and what is the cause in a contract of sale?

As to the thing, cause is the prestation or promise of a thing or service by the other while object is the thing or service itself. As to contracting parties, cause is different with respect to each part while object may be the same for both parties.

How are contracts classified as causes?

The following are the classification of contracts according to cause: Onerous or one the cause of which is the undertaking or the promise of the thing or service by the other party. Renumeratory or one the cause of which is the service or benefit which is remunerated.

What are essential requisites of an obligation?

Every obligation has four essential elements: an active subject; a passive subject; the prestation; and the legal tie. The ACTIVE SUBJECT is the person who has the right or power to demand the performance or payment of the obligation. He is also called the obligee or the creditor.

What is cause in civil law?

A cause, in ordinary parlance, is what effects or brings about a result. In. the case under consideration, the result is the obligation under- taken by a party to a contract.

What is Causa in civil law?

– any obligation arises for some purpose, which is called the basis of obligation. Causa is an individual. interest that meets the requirements of the legal system.

What are the obligations of seller and buyer?

Generally, the seller’s primary obligations are to transfer ownership of the goods and deliver the goods. A seller may agree with the buyer to perform other obligations. For instance, a seller may agree to package or label the goods in a certain way or service the goods for a specific period of time.

What is the obligation of contracts?

Contractual obligations are duties that each party is legally responsible to act upon in a contract agreement. With each contract, either of the parties exchanges something of value, whether it be a product, services, money, etc in connection with various obligations.