What is the catch rate for legendary Pokemon?

The majority of Legendary and Mythical Pokemon have a catch rate of 3, or around 1.6%.

How do you calculate catch rate?

When a Poké Ball is thrown at a wild Pokémon, the game uses that Pokémon’s catch rate in a formula to determine the chances of catching that Pokémon….Modified catch rate.

Number Caught Multiplier
451-600 3686/4096 (90%)
301-450 3277/4096 (80%)
151-300 2867/4096 (70%)
30-150 2048/4096 (50%)

What Pokémon have a catch rate of 3?

On the other side, there are high-level Pokemon with a catch rate of 3, which is the rate reserved for the Pokemon that are hardest to catch….All fifteen Pokemon on this list have a catch rate of 3.

  • 8 Zapdos.
  • 9 Articuno.
  • 10 Arceus.
  • 11 Volcanion.
  • 12 Marshadow.
  • 13 Glastrier.
  • 14 Metagross.
  • 15 Melmetal.

Is Zacian 100% catch rate?

Zacian has a base catch rate of 10 (3.9%).

What is the hardest legendary Pokemon to catch?

Pokémon: The 15 Hardest Legendaries To Catch (Without Using A Master Ball)

  1. 1 Azelf, Mesprit And Uxie. Our final entry is another three-way tie.
  2. 2 Rayquaza.
  3. 3 Landorus, Thundurus And Tornadus.
  4. 4 Giratina.
  5. 5 Arceus.
  6. 6 Articuno.
  7. 7 Shadow Lugia (Pokémon XD: Gale Of Darkness)
  8. 8 Regigigas.

What is the hardest non legendary Pokemon to catch?

So take a look at the 20 hardest Pokémon to catch.

  • 8 Porygon.
  • 7 Lapras.
  • 6 Abra.
  • 5 Scyther.
  • 4 Pinsir.
  • 3 Feebas.
  • 2 Chansey.
  • 1 Entei, Raikou, and Suicune.

What is the hardest legendary Pokémon to catch?

Is Eternatus a 100 catch rate?

Once defeated, throw any ball you have laying around at Eternatus to catch them. Eternatus has a 100 percent catch rate, so don’t worry about ball quality. Anything you’ve got will get the job done.