What is the brief history of Pakistan?
What is the brief history of Pakistan?
Pakistan was brought into being at the time of the partition of British India, in response to the demands of Islamic nationalists: as articulated by the All India Muslim League under the leadership of Mohammed Ali Jinnah, India’s Muslims would receive just representation only in their own country.
What is the political system of Pakistan?
Federal republic
Parliamentary republic
What is political history Short answer?
Political history is the narrative and survey of political events, ideas, movements, organs of government, voters, parties and leaders.
What is political world history?
The political history of the world is the history of the various political entities created by the human race throughout their existence and the way these states define their borders.
What are the types of political system?
There are three types of political systems that sociologists consider:
- Authoritarianism.
- Monarchy.
- Democracy.
When was first election held in Pakistan?
On 25th March 1969 the second Martial law was imposed and General Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan took-over as the President of Pakistan and Chief Martial Law Administrator (CMLA). He later issued a Legal Framework Order (LFO), under which the first ever general elections were held on 7th December 1970.
Who is father of political history?
The antecedents of Western politics can be traced back to the Socratic political philosophers, such as Aristotle (“The Father of Political Science”) (384–322 BC). Aristotle was one of the first people to give a working definition of political science.
What is the importance of history in politics?
The reasons are many, but none are more important to a democratic society than this: knowledge of history is the precondition of political intelligence. Without history, a society shares no common memory of where it has been, what its core values are, or what decisions of the past account for present circumstances.
What is Pakistan motto?
The scroll supporting the shield contains the national motto in Urdu, “Īmān, Ittiḥād, Naẓm”, which reads from right to left: (ایمان، اتحاد، نظم), translated as “Faith, Unity, Discipline” which are intended as the guiding principles for Pakistan.