What is the birds name in the movie Rio?

The Spix’s macaw achieved onscreen fame in 20th Century Fox’s β€œRio” as a charming parrot named Blu who travels thousands of miles in an attempt to save his species.

What are the birds names in Rio 2?

Rio 2 is a sequel to Rio. In Rio 2, the blue macaws Blu (voice of Jesse Eisenberg) and Jewel (Anne Hathaway) have three children – Tiago (Pierce Gagnon), Carla (Rachel Crow) and Bia (Amandla Stenberg) – who are all enjoying growing up in Rio.

What’s the white birds name in Rio?

Background information
Alias Nigel the Cockatoo Bob the Bird (self-given) Bob (r. by Pedro and Carla) Cannibal (r. by Tipa) Nige (r. by Gabi) Tiger (r. by Gabi)
Feather/Hair/ Skin color Grayish-white body Yellow crest feathers

What type of bird is Pedro?

Red-crested Cardinal
Pedro is one of two major characters (alongside Nico) of the Rio franchise. He’s an obese Red-crested Cardinal and is also the best friend of Nico.

What is the toucans name in Rio?

Toco Toucan (Ramphastos toco) is the largest and probably the best-known species in the toucan family. It is found in semi-open habitats throughout a large part of central and eastern South America. It is a common attraction in zoos. Rafael, a supporting character in Rio and Rio 2, is a Toco Toucan.

What is the yellow birds name in Rio?

Nico is a Yellow Canary who wears a bottle cap for a hat. Nico is voiced by Jamie Foxx.

What type of bird is Pedro from Rio?

will.i.am as Pedro, a red-crested cardinal who is Nico’s best friend.

Who is the yellow bird in Rio?

Nico is a Yellow Canary who wears a bottle cap for a hat. Nico is voiced by Jamie Foxx. Nico uses his bottle cap both as a tambourine (shown in the Samba Club), and as a weapon (shown during the fight with the marmosets).

What is the name of the yellow bird in Rio?

Jamie Foxx as Nico, a yellow canary who loves to samba, and whose bottlecap hat functions as a tambourine.

What is the name of the yellow bird on Angry Birds?

The Birds, Names, and Abilities

Birds Names
Red Bird or Red J. Bird Red
Blue Birds or The Blues Jay, Jake and Jim
Yellow Bird Chuck
Black Bird or Bomb Bird Bomb

What is the dog’s name in Rio?

Luiz is the only dog that appears in Rio and its sequel. He is also the only protagonist who is an animal that is not an avian character.