What is the biggest alexandrite?

Discovered in 1967 in Bahia, Brazil, the Sauer Alexandrite is the world’s largest uncut Alexandrite, weighing at a massive 122,400 carats (or approximately 54 pounds)! Named for its discoverer, jeweler and collector Jules Roger Sauer, the Sauer Alexandrite was put on display in Sauer’s own museum in 1989.

How much is a 1 carat alexandrite worth?

Size always affects alexandrite value. You can see this reflected in our Price Guide below. In sizes up to one carat, top-quality natural gems can sell for up to $15,000 per carat. Over one carat, the prices range from $50,000 to $70,000 per carat!

What is the best cut for an alexandrite?

The best value in Natural Alexandrite is a gem with strong color change in a shape that maximizes size, such as an oval. Oval cut gems look larger than their round counterparts, but do not come at the price premium a cushion does.

How much does real alexandrite cost?

The price of Alexandrite can vary from significantly from $10,000 per carat to over $50,000 per carat depending on my factors. For example, 1 Carat Size Alexandrites significantly differ in price depending on origin, clarity, and degree of color change from $3,000 per carat up to $20,000 per carat.

Is synthetic alexandrite worth anything?

Synthetic Alexandrite sells to the trade from one company at $167 per carat, with a retail of $500 per carat.

How much does alexandrite weigh?

Most fashioned alexandrites are small, weighing less than one carat. Larger sizes and better qualities rise in price dramatically: Fine-quality stones in sizes above 5.0 carats are very expensive. 1. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Natural alexandrite is rare and valuable.

What is alexandrite?

Alexandrite was discovered in the Ural Mountains of Russia in the 1830s. Noted mineralogist Nils Gustaf Nordenskiöld was the first to realize this unusual green, color-changing gemstone was something new.

What makes a good alexandrite grade?

Clarity also plays a significant role in grading. As is the case with a majority of gems, most naturally occurring alexandrite isn’t clean, facetable material. Most is best suited for cabbing. However, an alexandrite’s color change has more effect on its value than its clarity. For example, take two alexandrites of equal size.

How much does alexandrite change color?

For alexandrite, it’s not just the tone, hue and saturation that affect its value, but also its ability to change color. Alexandrite can have color change that ranges from 100% to just 10%. The more distinct its color change, the higher the value.