What is the best weapon for Monk in Dungeon Defenders?

Emerald Halberd (Melee) Both melee and ranged attacks gain large amounts of damage per upgrade, though melee is preferred for this weapon.

Is the monk good in Dungeon Defenders?

The Monk is a hero class who can use melee and ranged attacks. He is one of the four original heroes in Dungeon Defenders. His melee and pet damage scales with the Hero Damage stat greater than any other class.

Who is the best character in Dungeon Defenders?

Best DPS

  • Ranger – This is really a 1a/1b situation.
  • Huntress – Like the Ranger, the Huntress can achieve 20+ million DPS.
  • Countess – She’s fast.
  • Squire – Has more HP than the Countess, but moves slower.
  • Jester – Good damage.
  • Barbarian – Good Damage.

How do you build a monk in Dungeon Defenders?

The Tower build Monk should focus on fixing towers, placing auras, and using his buffing abilities to support his teammates. This should be raised after getting Tower and Hero Boost to a good level so that your pet can assist by doing damage. This stat increases the players movement speed.

How do you get Genie Dungeon Defenders?

The Genie is a status pet awarded for reaching wave 15 of Hall of Court or Tavern Defense, wave 25 of Coastal Bazaar or wave 30 of Town in the Cliffs (Redux only map) on Survival or Pure Strategy. It can also be bought from the Tavernkeep after acquiring this pet for the first time.

What is the best character in Dungeon Defenders 2?

Monk and EV2 are the best characters followed by Dryad. Bar a few chaos tiers with EMP orcs Monk will be used for everything.

Can you solo Dungeon Defenders?

You can still go all the way solo as a Huntress or Monk, but it will require some creativity and a lot of skill to pull it off on your own. The best class for manual damage would be the Huntress. Being ranged and applying constant damage with minimal DPS (damage per second) downtime is clutch.

How do you get the mischief maker in Dungeon Defenders?

Sample Stats The Mischief Maker is a Monk weapon obtained by completing the Temple of Polybius challenge. This half-circle chakram increases the user’s movement speed by 1.10x and allows them shoot single blue fireballs as a ranged attack.

How do you get Lupine bow?

The Lupine Bow is a Huntress weapon that drops randomly on a variety of maps, once the player has completed the challenge “Halloween Spooktactular!”

How many classes are in darkest dungeon?

There are a lot of classes the player must choose from when constructing their party to face the horrors of the Darkest Dungeon. The player only has four options per expedition, but a total of 17 classes from which to choose, and forming the right party could very easily be the difference between life and death.