What is the best way to farm gold in wow?

Castle Nathria. In my opinion, the best gold farming technique in the game right now is farming BOEs in Castle Nathria. However, the most important point for this is that your character must have a high ilvl. Since we will farm raid as normal and heroic, it will drop 3 BOEs in each turn.

How much gold do you get from WOD raids?

about 6500 gold
Warlords of Draenor You should get about 6500 gold in 46 minutes, which isn’t amazing, but you do get appearances and other goodies. Mythic will take 71 minutes for less than 1000 gold more and is way worse if you mostly care about the gold.

How much gold is a lot in WoW?

Honestly I consider anything over 1M gold to be a healthy amount. most of the players I know are sub 1M and consider it a lot. I personally find im broke if I dip below 800-900k considering the cost of some of these gold sink mounts.

Can I sell my WoW gold for real money?

You are not allowed to buy or sell WoW items, products, or services for real money. Accounts involved in real money transactions may be penalized under our End User License Agreement. You can buy or sell WoW items and some in-game services for gold. If you want to buy or sell gold, you must use the WoW Token service.

Can you sell WoW gold for real money?

What is the best way to farm gold in Wow?

Sanguine Hibiscus. This can be looted from the mobs in the underbog and picked off the ground in the instance.

  • Petrified Lichen Guard. We all know that the prop paladins are the new kings of farming in WoW Classic TBC and every one of them who’s worth their salt
  • Void Crystals.
  • Pattern: Soulcloth Gloves.
  • Greater Planer Essence.
  • Selling Karazhan Keys.
  • What are the best gold farming locations in WoW Classic?

    Wetlands – Whelps – Level 23+.

  • Wetlands – Whelgar’s Excavation Site – Raptors – Level 25+.
  • Thousand Needles – Centaurs – Level 25+.
  • Hillsbrad Foothills – Snapjaw Turtles – Level 30+.
  • Desolace – Shadowprey Village – Shellfish – Level 32+.
  • Stranglethorn Vale – Kurzen Compound – Kurzen Humanoids – 35+.
  • Stranglethorn Vale – Venture Co.
  • How to make tons of gold in Wow?

    Vanilla Dungeons. The bulk of dungeons you will be farming will probably be classic dungeons.

  • The Burning Crusade Dungeons. TBC transmog is nowhere near as good as vanilla,but you should still farm some to diversify your auction house portfolio at some point.
  • Wrath of the Lich King Dungeons.
  • Cataclysm Dungeons.
  • How to farm Wow Gold?

    – Maldraxxus – Marrowroot, Oxxein Ore – Bastion – Rising Glory, Solenium Ore – Ardenweald – Vigil’s Torch, Phaedrum Ore – Revendreth – Widowbloom, Sinvyr Ore – Nightshade – The Maw – Skinning – Bastion. My advice to farm for skinning here is to do it together with World Quests or Daily Quests.