What is the best treatment for apple trees?

Apple Tree Care By properly controlling insects and disease, fertilizing and regularly pruning the trees you can enjoy the beauty and fruit of this tree on your landscape for years. During the early spring and summer fungicide applications are essential to prevent disease and produce healthy, high quality fruit.

How is apple disease treated?

There is no cure for this disease, making prevention critical. Preventive controls include selecting tolerant apple trees varieties and applying bactericides and insecticides. Prune blackened twigs and branches with cankers using sanitized tools during the dormant season.

How do you treat apple scabs?

Remember: Apple scab is treated by the fungicide portion of an all-purpose fruit tree spray, not the insecticide portion, so a fungicide-only spray is all you need.

Which fungicide is best for apple scab?

Myclobutanil (Spectracide Immunox Multipurpose Fungicide Spray Concentrate) is a synthetic fungicide that is effective against apple scab. You can apply it any time from green tip until after petal fall.

When Should I spray my apple tree for fungus?

The most important period to spray apple trees is from petal drop until just prior to harvest. Several applications will need to be made during this period. A home orchard type spray (available at most garden centers) is the best product for home gardeners.

What is the best time to fertilize apple trees?

The best time to fertilize an apple tree is in the fall once the leaves have dropped. If you are fertilizing apple trees with a 10-10-10, spread at the rate of one pound per inch (5 cm.) of trunk diameter measured one foot (30 cm.) from the ground up.

How do you treat fruit tree disease?

Controlling diseases of fruit trees usually takes multiple approaches, including preventative fungicidal or bacterial sprays. Proper timing is critical. Dormant sprays (usually horticultural oil combined with a fungicide) can help control insects and diseases by killing overwintering pest eggs or growth stages.

How do you treat apple scabs naturally?

To help control apple scab, Penhallegon recommends:

  1. Grow scab-resistant cultivars of apples.
  2. Apply nitrogen to leaves that have fallen to the ground in the fall to enhance decomposition of fallen leaves and make them more palatable to earthworms.

How do you get rid of fungus on apple trees?

Soak cornmeal overnight, then strain and spray onto the trees. With the weather getting more mild and wet it is a perfect time for fungus to grow and spread. These are safe and effective ways to combat fugus on your fruit trees at home.