What is the best training method for discus?

Discus Training Progression

  1. Swinging the throwing arm while keeping the discus flat: This will teach the thrower to have “confidence” in the fact that the discus will not fall out of the hand while turning.
  2. Bowling Drill:
  3. Throw for Height Drill:
  4. Seated Throw.

How do you teach discus to be released?

To teach the athletes to release the discus over their index finger. Tipping their hand slightly forward, they let the discus roll over the edge of their index finger and drop from their hand “like water going over the edge of a waterfall”. The discus should land on its edge in front of the athletes’ feet.

What are the three rules of discus?

What are some basic rules? Athletes must commence the action from a stationary position inside the circle – meaning they cannot do a run up from outside the circle. The athlete must not leave the circle until the discus has landed. Athletes must be told the reason they have been fouled.

What are the key cues of discus?

Discus held high and back.

  • Keep the shoulders level and balanced.
  • As the right foot lands aim for a chin over knee over the toe on the right leg.
  • Keep the left foot low and fast.
  • What muscles are most important for discus?

    Your shoulders and triceps contract to lift and extend your throwing arm. Your forearm, wrist and hand muscles contract to hold and release the discus. Your back and bicep muscles contract as you bring the discus back, then stretch as you extend and release the discus.

    How do you throw a discus step by step?

    Stand with your left shoulder pointing at the target and your body facing the direction perpendicular to your shoulder (for right-handers). Keep your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly. Hold the discus to your front, with your throwing hand, palm down.

    What are the techniques in discus?

    What are the four phases of discus?

    Additionally, as described and depicted in Figure 1, each throw was divided into five phases for a precise sEMG and motion analysis during the entire throw: P1: preparation phase, P2: entry phase, P3: airborne phase, P4: transition phase, P5: delivery phase.

    What 3 muscles should you develop to be a better discus thrower?

    When you release a discus the palm of your hand should be facing?

    Discus Bowling To do so, place the discus in your throwing hand, using the same key traits we used in the grip section of this article. When releasing, make sure your palm is down as you squeeze the discus out of your hand and off your index finger, just as if you are throwing it normally but in a bowling sense.

    What are the fundamental points for discus technique?

    Discus Technique and Training Mike Sergent University of South CarolinaUniversity of South Carolina Fundamental Points for Discus ThiTechnique • Posture • Balance • Rh thRhythm • Physics Class – Height of Release – Angle of Release – Speed of Release Posture

    How do I perform a discus throw?

    Adopt a shoulder-width stance and perform preliminary swings Keep everything very long to provide the maximum possible radius on the discus Aim for chin over knee over the toe on the left leg As the right foot leaves the ground the weight must be over the left leg Swing the right foot wide of the left foot into the centre of the circle

    Is the balanced position important for discus throwers?

    However, it’s at the core of proper discus technique. A discus thrower should be able to hit the balanced position in their sleep. It needs to be that automatic. It’s worth the time to put the reps in. Even advanced throwers should continue to train their nervous system by hitting and holding this position.

    What is the release angle for the discus?

    The release angle (angle between the horizontal and the right arm) for the discus has to take into consideration aerodynamic lift and drag. The left foot is kept grounded until well after the discus is released The distance achieved in the discus is dependent on three parameters: