What is the best stat in ds2?

Dark Souls: Every Stat, Ranked

  1. 1 Vitality.
  2. 2 Intelligence.
  3. 3 Endurance.
  4. 4 Strength.
  5. 5 Dexterity.
  6. 6 Attunement.
  7. 7 Faith. Faith is primarily used for the casting of miracles and raising Magic Defense.
  8. 8 Resistance. Resistance refers to the character’s physical defense, fire defense, and poison resistance.

What are all the stats in ds2?

Stat Growth Table

HP Resistances
Adaptability ALL
Intelligence Magic Fire Dark

What stats should I upgrade in ds2?

Endurance (END) The higher your stamina, the more actions you can perform (whether that’s running, rolling, blocking with your shield or attacking), so clearly it’s a very important stat to upgrade! It’s also worth remembering that the Endurance stat also increases your Physical Defense level.

What is the soft cap for stats in Dark Souls 2?

The soft cap for fire damage is at 60 of combined Intelligence and Faith. Example: 40 Intelligence and 20 Faith or 30 Intelligence and 30 Faith reaches the soft cap for fire damage.

What is the most powerful build in Dark Souls 2?

The best of the best when it comes to Dark Souls 2 Player v Player build options to play with….Dark Souls 2: The 10 Best PVP Builds

  1. 1 Straight Sword/Katana Build.
  2. 2 Red Iron Twinblade.
  3. 3 Chaos Rapier Pyromancer.
  4. 4 Dedicated Hexer.
  5. 5 Ice Rapier Sorcerer.
  6. 6 Kung Fu Master.

What is the best starting class in Dark Souls 2?

Starting Items As for players that want to focus exclusively on melee and care about their Soul Level, the Bandit is easily the best class in the game. This class has the lowest attunement, faith, and intelligence stats in the game.

How many souls does it take to get to level 802?

Because I did some math, and it takes 2,634,163,943 souls to get from Level 1 to 802. Using the most efficient farm I could find (golden winged knights in NG+7 with the best soul boosting gear), that would net you around 3,000,000 souls an hour.