What is the best stat for resto Druid?

Intellect is your primary stat. You should look for this stat in all of your upgrades. It provides you with Spell Power, which increases the power of your heals. Haste reduces cast time of your spells, directly increases healing of your HoTs and reduces global cooldown.

Is haste or mastery better for resto Druid?

Best Stats for Restoration Druid For Mythic+, you’ll still want to gear for item-level, but prioritize more Haste and Mastery when possible. Mastery is by far the strongest healing stat in dungeons, but it’s worth noting that Mastery does not provide additional damage.

What is the best Soulbind for resto Druid?

Necrolord Restoration Druid Soulbinds

  • Evolved Swarm. Rank 13. potency Conduit.
  • Born of the Wilds. Rank 13. finesse Conduit.
  • Well-Honed Instincts. Rank 13. endurance Conduit.
  • Ursine Vigor. Rank 13. endurance Conduit.
  • Unstoppable Growth. Rank 13. potency Conduit.
  • Tough as Bark. Rank 13. endurance Conduit.

What is the best covenant for resto Druid?

The best covenant for druids right now is currently Night Fae. It gives the best healing CD while also offering the flexibility of a big damage burst window in combination with Heart of the Wild.

Is there a haste cap for resto druid?

Is There a Haste Cap? There are no goals for stats, no set amounts to aim for, no combinations of stat distributions that are good. It is a very common misconception to focus on stats, or aim for the “right” ones. They do not exist.

Can HoTs crit in Shadowlands?

HoTs cannot crit! Thanks for the info.

How good are resto druids in TBC?

Resto Druids are exceptional tank healers, pumping out lots of heals by maintaining Lifebloom on multiple tanks at a time. However, they can also do sizeable raid healing by casting out blanket HoTs on the raid that can easily be used with Swiftmend for a burst of healing.

Is Night Fae good for resto druid?

Covenant Choice Changes with Patch 9.2 for Restoration Druid For raiding, Night Fae stays ahead of other covenants due to the strength of Convoke the Spirits, the soulbinds, and the covenant legendary Celestial Spirits. For Mythic+, Restoration Druids are recommended to be Necrolord or Kyrian.

Is Necrolord good for druid?

The new Necrolord exclusive legendary for Restoration Druids can be quite valuable in terms of getting multiple Adaptive Swarm out for increased AoE healing.

Are druid healers good in Shadowlands?

Are Restoration Druids Good in Shadowlands (Patch 9.2)? Restoration Druids continue to do one of the highest HPS in game in all forms of PvE content. We can do the most single-target healing in Mythic+ and deliver large bursts in raids through our multiple cooldowns.

Are resto druids good healers for Shadowlands?

What is resto druid haste cap?

Is There a Haste Cap? There are no goals for stats, no set amounts to aim for, no combinations of stat distributions that are good. It is a very common misconception to focus on stats, or aim for the “right” ones.