What is the best piercing for helix?

What Kind of Earring Do You Use for a Helix Piercing? There are tons of options out there for helix piercing jewelry. When it comes to helix earrings, most people go for captive bead rings, seamless rings, or labret studs. Captive bead rings are a great option because of their unique combination of style and function.

How painful is a helix piercing?

Because the cartilage is thinner on the upper ear, helix piercings tend to be the least painful cartilage piercing. They measure around a 4-5/10 on the pain scale and take around 3-6 months to fully heal.

Is a hoop or stud better for helix piercing?

What jewellery should you get? I wanted to get my forward helix pierced with a hoop, but the piercer recommended getting a bar instead, because hoops are more susceptible to infection. This is because bacteria can get caught in the curve and then be moved around the ear into the hole.

What is a helix piercing good for?

The forward helix is on the very front of the ear, closest to the head. This specific acupressure point can help with muscle tension and encourage blood circulation. By encouraging increased blood flow, this piercing may also aid in preventing wrinkles.

When can I sleep on helix piercing?

3 to 4 months
When Can I Sleep on My Cartilage or Helix Piercing? This is a tough one, especially because the helix piercing can take many months and sometimes even more than a year to heal. Usually, it’s safe to sleep after 3 to 4 months.

How expensive is a helix piercing?

around $40 – $50
Helix piercing cost You will most likely spend around $40 – $50 on your helix piercing. You may be able to find cheaper options, but piercer reputability is important, and you should always opt for the more expensive, experienced piercer.

Can I change my own helix piercing?

How to Change Out a Helix Piercing. A helix piercing is easily changed, but make sure that it’s fully healed before trying to switch out the jewelry—three-to-six months. Valentini suggests making the first change with the help of your piercer, as it’s important to be careful to avoid anything going wrong.

How long until you can sleep on a helix piercing?

This is a tough one, especially because the helix piercing can take many months and sometimes even more than a year to heal. Usually, it’s safe to sleep after 3 to 4 months. However, some sleepers can take as many as six months and more before they can sleep on the affected side without pain.

What does a helix piercing say about you?

Helix: If you have a helix piercing, you’re not exactly edgy, but you got this because you’re trying to be. Basically, you wanted something that says “I’m cool and daring,” but at the same time you can’t commit to anything too crazy… and god forbid you to pierce anything on your actual face.