What is the best online YouTube video converter?

Quick View of the Best Online YouTube Converter (In no particular order)

YouTube Converter Output Formats Adjust Quality
Flvto 5 No
MP3Fiber 9 No
Online-convert 80+ Yes
Office-converter 30+ Yes

How do I download 3GP files from YouTube?

Convert YouTube to 3GP Free

  1. Install Freemake Video Downloader. Download and install the free software for YouTube.
  2. Add YouTube links. Go to YouTube and copy the link of the video you’d like to convert to 3GP.
  3. Convert YouTube to 3GP. Click “Download & Convert” to save YouTube videos as 3GP files.

How do I convert a 3GP file?

How to convert a 3GP to a MP4 file?

  1. Choose the 3GP file that you want to convert.
  2. Select MP4 as the the format you want to convert your 3GP file to.
  3. Click “Convert” to convert your 3GP file.

How do I convert MP4 to 3GP?

Convert MP4 to 3GP – online and free

  1. Step 1 – Select a file(s) to convert. Choose Files. From my computer From my device From Box From Dropbox From Google Drive From OneDrive.
  2. Step 2 – Convert your files to. Convert To.
  3. Step 3 – Start converting. Convert Now.

What video format is 3GP?

Named after its creator, The Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), 3GP is a video file format supported in 3G enabled devices. It contains video streams of H. 263 or H. 264 codec and AMR or AAC based audio streams, which are perfect for lossy compression of video data.

Is 3GP better than MP4?

When it comes to streaming video on your computer desktop or portable media player, MP4 is the better format because it can support higher resolution video. However, the 3GP should be used exclusively on 3G network phones since it is specifically formulated for the device.