What is the best Mortal Kombat 10 faction?

Mortal Kombat: 10 Best Factions In The Franchise, Ranked

  1. 1 Shirai Ryu.
  2. 2 Cyber Lin Kuei.
  3. 3 Lin Kuei.
  4. 4 The Special Forces.
  5. 5 The Red Dragon.
  6. 6 Outer World Investigation Agency.
  7. 7 The Kahnum Of Outworld.
  8. 8 The Brotherhood Of Shadow.

What faction is Raiden?

The White Lotus Society
The White Lotus Society is a devote group of Shaolin Monks who serve the protector of Earthrealm, the thunder god Raiden and aid him in his tireless mission to ensure Earthrealm’s continued survival.

What faction is mileena?

When playing offline, it also allows the player to “steal first place right at the finish line before the AI gets its own miraculous speed boost.” An overpowered version of Mileena is a Faction Invasion boss for the Outworld faction in MKX.

Which faction is Scorpion in?

the Brotherhood of Shadow
Yeah, he’s in the Brotherhood of Shadow.

What faction is Liu Kang?

the White Lotus Society
Liu Kang represented the White Lotus Society in Kung Lao and Shujinko’s place in Mortal Kombat, and was the first and only Society member to successfully fend off Outworld in the tournament by defeating the reigning champion Goro at last.

Who is in the Black Dragon faction?

The Black Dragon Clan (黒龍会 Kokuryū Kai Japanese) is a faction, a clan of mercenaries, in the Mortal Kombat fighting game series….

Black Dragon Clan
Leader(s) Kabal (former), Derrick (former), Nightspirits

What clan is Kitana from?

Kitana is a fictional character in the Mortal Kombat fighting game franchise by Midway Games and NetherRealm Studios. Debuting in Mortal Kombat II (1993), she is a royal from the fictional realm of Edenia. Her primary weapon is a pair of steel fans, which she uses for most of her special attacks.

What faction is reptile?

Reptile is a green garbed, humanoid reptilian creature that embodies the archetype of the unhappy underling.

Is Sub-Zero a good guy?

In contrast with Bi-Han’s anti-heroic and later villainous role in the franchise, the main Sub-Zero is depicted as one of the heroic fighters defending Earthrealm against various threats. Sub-Zero also appears as both a rival and ally of the formerly undead specter Scorpion.