What is the best long sword in Skyrim?

The best Swords in Skyrim

Weapon Damage Upgrade with
Miraak’s Sword* 16 Ebony Ingot, Daedra Heart, Dwarven Smithing
Chillrend* 15 Refined Malachite, Glass Smithing
Dragonbone Sword 15 Dragon Bone, Dragon Armor
Nightingale Blade* 14 Ebony Ingot, N/A

What is the most op sword in Skyrim?

Skyrim: 15 Most Powerful Weapons, Ranked

  • 8 Blade Of Woe.
  • 7 Harkon’s Sword.
  • 6 Drainblood Battleaxe.
  • 5 Bloodscythe & Soulrender.
  • 4 Zephyr.
  • 3 Dwarven Black Bow Of Fate.
  • 2 Nightingale Bow.
  • 1 Auriel’s Bow.

What is the strongest sword in Minecraft?

The Netherite Sword is currently the most powerful weapon in Minecraft, with an 8 in damage. Using enchantments will increase the damage even further. The attack speed is 1.6, the same as the regular wooden sword in the game. However, the DPS (Damage per second) is higher than before, at 12.8.

What is the perfect sword in Minecraft?

The Netherite with 5 enchantments equipped is the best sword in Minecraft. What Are the Best Enchantments for a Sword in Minecraft? You can make the best enchanted diamond sword in Minecraft by applying the top enchantments to it, including Unbreaking III, Sharpness V, Looting III, Mending, and Sweeping Edge III.

Is Dawnbreaker a good Sword?

Dawnbreaker is one of the most iconic unique weapons in all of Skyrim, as it is one of the most powerful one-handed weapons in the game. It has a base damage of 12 while also inflicting a burn on enemies that lasts for 10 seconds.

What is the best unique sword in Skyrim?

Strongest Unique Swords In Skyrim, Ranked

  • 8 Lunar Iron Sword.
  • 7 Miraak’s Sword.
  • 6 Nightingale Blade.
  • 5 The Pale Blade.
  • 4 Red Eagle’s Bane.
  • 3 Windshear.
  • 2 Harkon’s Sword.
  • 1 Dragonbane.

Can I use Dawnbreaker as a vampire?

If you’re a vampire or vampire lord while using Dawnbreaker, do expect to take some damage when it triggers an explosion when you kill an enemy undead (draugr, vampire, skeleton, etc.) When using Dawnbreaker as a vampire and trigger an explosion, you’ll be set alight with a blue fire. You don’t take damage, though.