What is the best free note-taking app for Windows?

The best note taking apps for Windows and macOS

  • Google Keep.
  • Windows 10 Sticky Notes.
  • OneNote.
  • Apple Notes.
  • Bear.
  • Ulysses.
  • Evernote.
  • Simplenote.

Is there a free notebook app?

Microsoft OneNote It’s the best one at doing both. You can take audio dictation, photos, make a to-do list or draw. An amazing OneNote feature is using the keyboard and sketching in the same app. You don’t have to give up your handwritten notes entirely.

Is there a free Notepad on Windows 10?

Notepad X is a free software only available for Windows.

Is Notability available for Windows?

Notability is not available for Windows but there are plenty of alternatives that runs on Windows with similar functionality. The best Windows alternative is Microsoft OneNote, which is free.

Can you use OneNote for free?

The free edition of OneNote stores your notes on OneDrive for easy access across all your devices and works whether you’re online or offline. With your free Microsoft account, you’ll get 15 GB of OneDrive space for free and no limits on the number of notes you can create or sync.

What is the best notepad for Windows 10?

Best free Note taking apps for Windows 11/10

  • OneNote.
  • Windows Notepad.
  • Notebook: Take Notes, Sync.
  • ColorNote Notepad Notes.
  • Code Writer.
  • My Notes.
  • Notepad X.
  • Notepad for Windows 10.

How do I run GoodNotes on Windows?

So, what is the trick?

  1. Link a cloud storage to your GoodNotes app in Options>Settings>General.
  2. Activate “Automatic Backup” in Options > Settings.
  3. Choose the linked cloud storage as a destination.
  4. Change the file format from “GoodNotes Document” to PDF.
  5. Tap “Done” in the upper right of the pop-up.