What is the best example of a complex password?

The table below shows examples of a simple password that is progressively made more complex. The first column lists simple words that are easy to remember and are found in the dictionary….How to Make Your Password More Secure.

Weak Password Better Password Strong Password
BankLogin BankLogin13 BankLogin!3

What are some examples of strong passwords?

Strong Password Examples

  • It starts with a passphrase, “I want ice cream! for dinner in Kentucky?”
  • Uses a rule to keep the first 2 letters of every word and capitalize every second letter.
  • Long at 14 characters.
  • Uses special characters: “!” and “?”
  • Includes uppercase and lowercase letters.

What 4 Things Should a strong password have?


  • At least 12 characters (required for your Muhlenberg password)—the more characters, the better.
  • A mixture of both uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • A mixture of letters and numbers.
  • Inclusion of at least one special character, e.g., ! @ #? ]

What is a strong password 2021?

As such, strong passwords consist of a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and special symbols, such as punctuation. They should be at least 12 characters long, although we’d recommend going for one that’s even longer.

What are 3 strong passwords?

Here are the main traits of a reliable, secure password: At least 12 characters long (the longer, the better). Has a combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, punctuation, and special symbols. Random and unique….The Math Method

  • MyDog+MyCat=8legs.
  • 830-630=TwoHundred.
  • Children+Xmas=Presents.

Which is the strongest password?

Top 5 Strongest Password

  1. Mix meanless Word, number and symbol randomly, and at least 15 length.
  2. Mix Word and number together randomly.
  3. Replace Word with number and symbol randomly.
  4. Combine word with number.
  5. Combine partial unrelated words together.