What is the best definition of plastids?

Definition of plastid : any of various cytoplasmic organelles (such as an amyloplast or chloroplast) of photosynthetic organisms (such as plants) that serve in many cases as centers of special metabolic activities (such as starch storage)

What are the three functions of plastids?


  • They trap solar energy and utilise it to manufacture food for plant.
  • Chromoplast impart green colour to flowers.
  • They store food in form of carbohydrates,fats and proteins.

What are the three types of plastids and define them?

Chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are biconvex-shaped, semi-porous, double membraned, cell organelle found within the mesophyll of the plant cell.

  • Chromoplasts. Chromoplasts are the name given to an area for all the pigments to be kept and synthesized in the plant.
  • Gerontoplasts.
  • Leucoplasts.
  • Refer more.
  • What is plastids and its function?

    Plastids are pivotal subcellular organelles that have evolved to perform specialized functions in plant cells, including photosynthesis and the production and storage of metabolites.

    What are plastids Class 11?

    Plastids are the organelle present in the plant cells which bear some specific pigments, thus imparting specific colours to the plants. Based on the type of pigments plastids can be classified into chloroplasts, chromoplasts and leucoplasts.

    What are plastids for Class 9?

    Plastids refer to the double membrane bound organelles found in plant cells. They are found in the cytoplasm. Plants make and store food in plastids.

    How many plastids are there?

    There are four main types of plastids: Chloroplasts. Chromoplasts. Gerontoplasts.

    Who discovered plastid?

    A. F. W. Schimper was the first to name and provide a clear definition of plastids. They often contain pigments used in photosynthesis, and the types of pigments in a plastid determine the cell’s color.

    What are plastids PDF?

    Plastids are present only in plant cells. Hence plastids distinguish plants from animals. The term plastid is derived from the Greek word plastikas meaning formed or moulded. This term was coined by Schimper in 1885. – The plastids are broadly classified into two main types, namely chromoplasts and leucoplasts. . .

    What are plastid types?

    Three main types of plastids are leucoplasts, chromoplasts and chloroplasts.

    Who first discovered plastid?