What is the best concrete mix for fence posts?

Quikrete Fast Setting Concrete Mix
The best concrete mix for fence posts I’ve found is Quikrete Fast Setting Concrete Mix in a 50 lb bag. It’s 4000 psi, easy to work with, sets up fast, and doesn’t need to be mixed. Just pour it in the hole and soak with water.

Should I mix concrete for fence posts?

Fast-setting concrete is ideal for installing fence posts since it doesn’t need to be mixed in a bucket or a wheelbarrow. Once you’ve finished digging your post holes, add about three to four inches of gravel into the bottom and compact it using a post or a 2×4.

Do you have to mix quikrete for fence posts?

Fast-setting concrete is ideal for setting posts because there’s no mixing—you simply pour the dry concrete from the bag right into the hole, then add water.

How much concrete do I mix per post?

Summary: How Many bags Of Concrete Per Fence Post? 1 – 4 bags of concrete per fence post are typically what’s needed. This depends on the type of soil, fence design, height, post size and bag weight. In general the depth of the post’s hole needs to be 1/3 to 1/2 of the above ground height of the post.

How many bags of quikrete do I need for a post hole?

Most fence post holes will need between 1 – 4 bags of concrete to securely hold the post in place. The best way to determine the size of the hole is: Diameter of the hole is 3 times the width of the fence post.

How much concrete do I need for fence post hole?

Generally, for each fence post, you will need enough cement to fill a hole that is a third to half as deep as the post’s above-ground height and three times as wide (in diameter) as the actual post. That leaves you with the job of measuring out the fence posts so that you know how large each post hole should be.

How many bags of concrete do I need for a fence post?

Most fence post holes will need between 1 – 4 bags of concrete to securely hold the post in place. The best way to determine the size of the hole is: Diameter of the hole is 3 times the width of the fence post. Depth of the hole is one-third to half the above ground height of the fence post.

How deep should a 6ft fence post be?

The width of the post hole should be 3 times the width of diameter of the post. For example, if you are erecting a 6 foot high fence using 4 inch fence posts, the posts need to be 6 feet above the ground. 6 divided by 3 is 2, therefore the depth of the hole required is 2 feet.

How much quikrete do I need for fence post?

The depth of the hole should be 1/3-1/2 the post height above ground (i.e., a 6-foot tall fence would require a hole depth of at least 2 feet). Add about 6 inches of QUIKRETE All-Purpose Gravel into the bottom of the hole. Then compact and level the gravel using a post or 2×4.