What is the best chair to sit in with lower back pain?

Best Office Chairs for Back Pain at a Glance

Product Capacity Verdict
Oak Hollow Aloria 300 lbs Most Robust and Comfortable Seat for Sciatica
Secretlab Titan Evo 395 lbs Highest Range of Recline to Relax the Back
Steelcase Leap Chair 400 lbs Best Productivity Chair for Back Pain
Duramount Chair 330 lbs Best Budget Chair for Back Pain

How do I choose an office chair for lower back pain?

The best office chairs for back pain are ergonomic chairs with built-in lumbar support. The lumbar region, also known as your lower back, needs support between the chair and the natural inward curve of your spine. Having this support helps you maintain a good and healthy posture.

What kind of office chair is best for your back?

The use of saddle chairs (shown) promotes better spinal postures, including those in the upper body, head and neck. Scientific literature supports the fact that these chairs reduce the risk of injury even compared to other ergonomic chairs.

Why does my chair hurt my lower back?

The main reason behind this is that sitting, in an office chair or in general, is a static posture that increases stress in the back, shoulders, arms, and legs, and in particular, can add large amounts of pressure to the back muscles and spinal discs.

Why does my back hurt when I sit in my office chair?

What should you not do with lower back pain?


  1. • Do not sit on a low soft couch with a deep seat. It will force you to sit with your hips lower than your knees and will round your back.
  2. • Do not jerk when you lift. •
  3. • Do not sleep on your stomach unless advised to do so by your doctor or physical therapist.
  4. Good. Good. Good.
  5. Do: •

How do you sit in office chair with back pain?

To minimize the amount of stress placed on your back, you should sit as close as possible to your desk with your head upright, your upper arms parallel to your spine, and your hands rested at a 90-degree angle on your work surface. Your legs should also be positioned at 90 degrees, directly above your ankles.

Do kneeling chairs help lower back pain?

Kneeling chairs are said to relieve lower back pain and have become increasingly popular in recent years as people seek to improve their posture and address ongoing back issues. Kneeling chairs make you more aware of your posture and encourage core engagement to prevent slouching.