What is the best beginner plane in War Thunder?

War Thunder beginner’s guide: the best tier 1 planes

  • Hurricane Mk I Late.
  • Bf 110 C-4.
  • LaGG-3-11.
  • P-36G Hawk.
  • He 112 B-0.
  • I-153 M-62 Chaika.
  • BB-1.
  • F2A-3 Buffalo.

What is the best plane to use in War Thunder?

War Thunder: The 15 Best Aircraft In The Game, Ranked

  1. 1 F-86F-2. Every aircraft player in War Thunder will eventually want their own jet plane at some point and for high-tier matches.
  2. 2 Bf 109 G-2.
  3. 3 Spitfire F MK 24.
  4. 4 F-4C Phantom II.
  5. 5 G.
  6. 6 Yak-3P.
  7. 7 Sea Hawk FGA.
  8. 8 F8F-1B Bearcat.

What country has the best starter planes in War Thunder?

The USSR. If you have no strong preference then starting off with the Soviet Union isn’t a bad idea; you get a bonus premium aircraft for the first country you fly with, and the I-153 that the USSR get is a great plane, very handy to be able to put straight into service without having to research and unlock it.

Are bombers good War Thunder?

Bombers play an important role in War Thunder with a good majority of missions involving ground targets, they provide the firepower to effectively and efficiently deal with hardened and soft ground targets alike.

What is the fastest plane in War Thunder?

The MiG-23M is the most modern aircraft in the Soviet/Russian tech tree and is currently the fastest fighter jet in the game.

What is the toughest plane in War Thunder?

81 bomber; however, this does not come close to the French. Showing up to dominate the early ground-pounding scene, the F. 222.2 is the biggest, heaviest, least manoeuvrable, and hardest hitting bomber early in the game, at a low battle rating.

Are Japanese jets good War Thunder?

Japanese aircraft in War Thunder are often regarded as the most agile aircraft. Aircraft such as the Ki-43 and A6M Zeros possess the quickest turn time of the fighters in War Thunder, often allowing Japanese fighters to win turn-fight engagements.

Are British planes good War Thunder?

Brits are very easy to fly & got the best cannons (AB) in the game. Also they get very decent planes in all tiers. British are probably the best nation in tier2.

How do I have fun in War Thunder?

  1. Capture the flag.
  2. Teammates = enemies.
  3. Always revenge kill.
  4. Become the bush.
  5. Low tier = fun tier.
  6. Best armour is no armour.
  7. Set up a camp.
  8. J out if ur German.

Which country has best bomber in War Thunder?

Ahhhhh, German engineering at its finest. In all honesty, the He 177 A-5 and the Superfortress could be interchanged as the best bomber in War Thunder, but in my personal opinion being able to guide your own bomb at Rank IV is too cool of a thing for the He 177 to be in second place.