What is the Barmah Millewa forest?

The Barmah-Millewa Forest is the largest river red gum forest in Australia. It covers approximately 66,000 hectares of floodplain between the townships of Tocumwal, Deniliquin and Echuca.

Is barmah in Victoria or NSW?

Barmah is a town in the state of Victoria, Australia. Barmah has the distinction of being located north of the border with the state of New South Wales. New South Wales is north of Victoria, with the border being the westward-flowing Murray River.

Is Barmah Forest virus contagious?

People develop Barmah Forest virus infection after being bitten by a mosquito that is infected with the virus. The virus is not spread directly from person to person.

Can you get Barmah Forest virus twice?

Can I catch these viruses again? Most people who have been infected with RRV or BFV will not catch the same virus in the future. In rare cases, people may experience one or more symptoms after they appear to have recovered. Unfortunately, people who have been infected with RRV are not immune to BFV, and vice versa.

Why is the Barmah forest so important?

The forest supports important floodplain vegetation communities including the threatened Moira grass plains and is a significant feeding and breeding site for waterbirds including bitterns, ibis, egrets, spoonbills and night herons.

How did the Barmah forest form?

A huge lake was formed, and the river changed direction, flowing north and south around the uplifted land. The narrow river channel at this point ensured regular flooding of the surrounding plains, creating a unique set of wetland habitats. Known as the “Barmah choke”, this is the narrowest part of the Murray River.

What type of wetland is the Barmah forest?

floodplain wetland
The Barmah forest is a floodplain wetland which covers a substantial 28,500 hectares located on the Murray River.

Why is it called Japanese encephalitis?

It is a mosquito-borne flavivirus, and belongs to the same genus as dengue, yellow fever and West Nile viruses. The first case of Japanese encephalitis viral disease (JE) was documented in 1871 in Japan.

What does Barmah Forest virus look like?

Symptoms of Barmah Forest virus disease Symptoms include: lethargy or fatigue. joint pain – may affect wrists, knees, ankles or small joints of the extremities, such as fingers or toes. rash of variable appearance on the trunk and limbs.

How is Barmah forest being protected?

Friday 21 February, 2020. Parks Victoria has today announced the release of the Strategic Action Plan: Protection of floodplain marshes in Barmah National Park and Barmah Forest Ramsar site [2020-2023], a four-year program to protect the Barmah Forest for current and future generations.

What is the history of Barmah National Park?

Hardwood timber was harvested from the Barmah region from around 1870, and logging of river red gum and seasonal cattle grazing were important local industries until recently, ceasing when the national park was created.

Does Barmah Forest include Ulupna Island?

The Barmah Forest Ramsar site boundary does not include Ulupna Island, but does include the Murray River Park to the south east. The overall area of the red gum forest on the Victorian side is colloquially defined as the Barmah Forest. Barmah National Park is a popular camping, walking, fishing, boating and canoeing and swimming destination.

Where is Barmah-Millewa Forest?

As Barmah-Millewa Forest is located towards the upper reaches of the regulated portion of the Murray River, water for the environment that passes through the forest and returns to the river can often be used at sites further downstream as part of multi-site watering events.

What happened in Barmah Forest in 2020?

Two small natural floods occurred in Barmah Forest in July and August 2020. Water for the environment was delivered to the forest from October to mid-December, to mimic some of the low-level flooding that would have naturally occurred without river regulation.