What is the ATA certification exam?

The exam tests for professional translation skills. It is designed to determine whether a candidate is able to produce a translation that is professionally usable within the framework provided by the Translation Instructions (TIs).

How much does ATA certification cost?

ATA Members The exam registration fee is $525. You can register online, by mail, or by fax.

How much is the Cchi exam?

first you pay the initial fee of $210 (includes the application fee of $35 and the fee of $175 for taking one exam, “written” CoreCHI™ exam), after you pass the CoreCHI™ exam, you pay the fee of $275 for the CHI™ oral performance exam.

How do you take the ATA exam?

Exam sittings are available in person and online from April to September, with additional in-person exams held at the ATA Annual Conference.

  1. You must be an ATA member to register for an exam.
  2. There are specific software and hardware requirements for exams.
  3. Only specific resources are permitted for use during an exam.

How difficult is the ATA exam?

The ATA certification exam is rigorous and demanding. So, what can you do to prepare and—more importantly—pass the test? ATA certification attests to a high level of professional competence in producing an accurate and idiomatic translation.

Should I get ATA certified?

In my opinion, the ATA certification is a valuable certification to possess but is in no way necessary to be a successful translator. From the view of a Project Manager, an ATA certification is certainly never a bad sign.

How can I become a translator without a degree?

How to Become a Translator Without a Degree

  1. Start gaining experience (voluntary or pro bono work)
  2. Get independent qualifications/certifications.
  3. Take specific courses and workshops.
  4. Self-study and leverage CAT tools and resources.
  5. Start freelance (paid) independent jobs.
  6. Market yourself (LinkedIn, job boards, etc.)

How do I become a certified translator?

To earn ATA certification, a translator must pass a challenging three-hour proctored exam. The exam assesses the language skills of a professional translator: comprehension of the source-language text, translation techniques, and writing in the target language.

How do I get CMI certified?

Hub-CMI Registration

  1. Register for the CMI program: $35.
  2. Take and pass the written exam: $175.
  3. You are then qualified for the Hub-CMI for 2 years with no option for renewal but can continue to step 3.
  4. Take and pass the oral exam: $275.
  5. CMI is granted with 5 year renewal: $300.

Is ATA exam hard?

There’s no question that ATA’s certification exam is challenging. The good news is that there are effective ways to ready oneself. Had I not prepared extensively, I highly doubt that I would have passed the Spanish>English exam on the first try.

What is an ATA certified translator?

ATA Certification offers qualified and independent evidence that a translator possesses professional competence in a specific language combination. It recognizes translators with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide quality translation.

Is the ATA exam hard?