What is the area code of Cainta Rizal?

ZIP code 1900
PSGC 045805000
IDD : area code +63 (0)2
Native languages Tagalog English

What are the barangays in Cainta?

It is politically subdivided into seven barangays: Sta Rosa, Sto. Domingo, Sto. Nino, San Andres, San Roque, San Juan and San Isidro. The towns are named alter Catholic saints, a reminder of the town’s highly religious culture and heritage.

Is Cainta rich?

Cainta, Rizal remains the richest municipality with P4. 93 billion.

How many barangays are there in Cainta?

7 barangays
Cainta has 7 barangays as shown in the following table….Barangays.

Barangay Cainta Total
Population (2020) 376,933
Population (2015) 322,128
Change (2015‑2020) 17.01%

What is postcode in Philippines Rizal?

Rizal Province ZIP Code

Location ZIP Code Phone Area Code
Antipolo 1870 2
Montalban (Rodriguez) 1860
San Mateo 1850
Teresa 1880

Is Cainta safe?

Crime rates in Cainta, Philippines

Level of crime 64.58 High
Problem people using or dealing drugs 68.75 High
Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft 64.58 High
Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery 64.58 High
Problem corruption and bribery 70.83 High

What is Cainta Rizal known for?

Cainta hosts one of the country’s oldest churches, the Parish of Our Lady of Light. The intersection of the two roads is simply known as the Cainta Junction, which hosts numerous commercial buildings, banks, and a public market. Cainta is a city that was established in 1571.

Is Cainta the richest municipality?

Wealthiest municipalities (amount in billions) Cainta, the Philippines’ wealthiest municipality in 2019, settled for fourth place in 2020, after reporting a decrease of P1. 461 billion in total assets. A review of its 2020 financial statements showed the municipal government corrected its “receivables” from P1.