What is the antonym of regression?

To understand the word regressive, it’s helpful to know that its antonym, or opposite, is progressive. When something is progressive, it tends to get better and more advanced. Something that’s regressive, on the other hand, gets less developed or returns to an older state.

What is a synonym for regression?

1 revert, retreat, backslide, lapse, ebb.

What’s the synonym of transgression?

In this page you can discover 26 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for transgression, like: misbehavior, trespass, sin, infraction, violation, disobedience, offense, obedience, right, contravention and infringement.

What are some antonyms for the word transgression?

antonyms for transgression

  • good deed.
  • perfection.
  • goodness.
  • kindness.
  • obedience.
  • submission.
  • virtue.
  • behavior.

Is regress the opposite of progress?

Did you know? As you might guess, regress is the opposite of progress. So if a disease regresses, that’s generally a good thing, but in most other ways we prefer not to regress.

What is a synonym for transgressor?

1’a transgressor against human rights’ offender, wrongdoer, culprit, lawbreaker, criminal, delinquent, villain, felon, reprobate, outlaw, malefactor, guilty party, black hat. sinner, trespasser, evil-doer. Law malfeasant, misfeasor.

What you mean by regressive?

Definition of regressive 1 : tending to regress or produce regression. 2 : being, characterized by, or developing in the course of an evolutionary process involving increasing simplification of bodily structure. 3 : decreasing in rate as the base increases a regressive tax.

What is the difference between regression and retrogression?

To add some context: When I look up the definitions I see the definition for regress is “to return to a previous, usually worse or less developed state”, whereas the definition for retrogress is “to go back to an earlier, esp worse, condition”. They both look the same to me: antonyms of “progress”.

Why is it called regression?

“Regression” comes from “regress” which in turn comes from latin “regressus” – to go back (to something). In that sense, regression is the technique that allows “to go back” from messy, hard to interpret data, to a clearer and more meaningful model.

What are real life examples of regression?

Real-world examples of linear regression models

  • Forecasting sales: Organizations often use linear regression models to forecast future sales.
  • Cash forecasting: Many businesses use linear regression to forecast how much cash they’ll have on hand in the future.