What is the answer to the impossible quiz number 3?

The answer to this question is “Fine”, the only one of the options written the right way up, which makes sense since if you read the question upside-down, “Fine” is the only option that looks upside-down from that perspective.

What is the answer to question 13 on the impossible quiz book?

Reference(s) Question 13 of the Impossible Quiz Book asks “What do feet eat for breakfast?”. The possible answers are “Toast”, “Corn flakes”, ” Crossiants ” and “Bacon”. The correct one is “Corn flakes”, because corns are areas of hard skin on the feet that have been exposed to excessive pressure or friction.

What is the answer to number 53 on the impossible quiz 3?

In short, the correct answer is LOAD ” “, which is what you must type in a ZX Spectrum/Splapptrum to load a game.

What is the answer to 34 on the impossible quiz laptop?

In order to proceed, you have to put your finger on the screen and hold it until the three elephants have gone inside the mouse hole.

How many questions are in The Impossible Quiz 3?

110 questions
You must beat all 110 questions of the game in a single take, no checkpoints in-between.

What is the answer to The Impossible Quiz number?

Adam’s “The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy”’s book shows that roughly after 7M+ years, the answer to the life, universe and everything is simply, 42. And the 42 number for places in some competitions are 42nd, or sometimes 42th. And 42 is the answer aforementioned.

What is the answer to number 14 in the impossible quiz?

The answer is “Torch”, because the question is not referring to “lighter” as in weight, but rather to the brightness of the inside of the bucket. A torch (or flashlight, as some call it) makes the inside of a bucket brighter, or “lighter”.

What is the answer to question 14 on the impossible quiz 2?

Question 14 of The Impossible Quiz 2 contains no actual question or task on screen; instead, it only contains a red background with small empty spaces, as well as four little dots of different colours. There is no bomb on screen, and there’s nothing in this question that could make you lose a life.

What is the answer to number 52 on the impossible quiz?

Question 52 from the Impossible Quiz presents you with a single word: “Carrot!”. There are four green batches of leaves coming from the soil on the lower part of the screen, each of them belonging to either a vegetable or something completely unrelated. Harvesting all of the options!

What is the answer to number 53 on the impossible quiz 2?

Seemingly, there is no arrow on sight, so it could really be any of the options, especially the third one, since it says exactly what the question tells you to click. But in reality, the answer is actually none of the above! To pass this question, you have to click an actual arrow.

What is the answer to 33 on the impossible quiz?

Question 33 from The Impossible Quiz asks “How many letters in his hand?”, and next to it there’s a drawing of a cut-off hand holding nine letters. The choices are all four numbers from 7 to 10. The answer is “7” because the question is asking how many letters are in the words “His hand”.

What is the answer to 35 on the impossible quiz?

Colloquially speaking, one could say this person is “peeing”. So all you have to do here is to press the “P” key on your keyboard since the letter technically sounds like “pee”.