What is the answer to the eleventh hour book?

Conclusion. We have concluded that the culprit was indeed kilroy. the reason we think so is because in the final decoding it states he and his 111 relatives helped him vanquish the feast.

What is the swan’s name in the eleventh hour?

The question was “did we ever find out the name of the swan?” Long story short, the book involved a code, and one of the illustrations had a mirror that reflected part of the code backwards and revealed that the swan’s name was Ingrid, and when I was a kid and figured it out I was overwhelmed; I never knew books could …

What does the eleventh hour mean?

the latest possible time
Definition of eleventh hour : the latest possible time before it is too late still making changes at the eleventh hour.

Who stole the feast in the eleventh hour?

In particular, the swan accused the rhino and the pig for stealing the food because of their size. I really enjoyed reading “the Eleventh Hour” because I loved to find all the clues and to try and crack the codes to work out the mystery. From my perspective I would give The Eleventh Hour” a rating of 10/10.

Who are the characters in the eleventh hour?


  • The Doctor – Matt Smith.
  • Amy Pond – Karen Gillan.
  • Rory – Arthur Darvill.
  • Amelia – Caitlin Blackwood.
  • Dr Ramsden – Nina Wadia.
  • Barney Collins – Marcello Magni.
  • Ice cream man – Perry Benson.
  • Mrs Angelo – Annette Crosbie.

What is the title trying to portray what is the meaning of being in the 11th hour?

“The expression “the eleventh hour” means the last moment when change can happen to avert possible disaster.

What is the significance of the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month?

The Armistice halting the War to End All Wars was signed in Compiègne, France, at 11 a.m. on November 11, 1918 –hence the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.

What does the author mean by eleventh hour?

the last possible moment that you can do something, especially prevent something bad from happening.

Who is the old lady in The Eleventh Hour?

However, he arrives twelve years late and is confronted by the grown-up Amelia, now known as Amy (Karen Gillan), who does not trust him….The Eleventh Hour (Doctor Who)

203 – “The Eleventh Hour”
Written by Steven Moffat
Script editor Lindsey Alford
Produced by Tracie Simpson Nikki Wilson (cold open)

What is another word for eleventh hour?

In this page you can discover 6 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for eleventh-hour, like: last-minute, zero hour, high-time, just-in-time, the last moment and nick of time.

What flower symbolizes the lives lost during WWI?

the Poppy
The WWI Origins of the Poppy as a Remembrance Symbol. The Remembrance Day symbolism of the poppy started with a poem written by a World War I brigade surgeon who was struck by the sight of the red flowers growing on a ravaged battlefield.