What is the Andersen behavioral model?

Andersen’s expanded behavioral model of health service use To predict or explain one’s use of healthcare services, the original model particularly focused on an individual’s predisposition to use acute healthcare services, enabling factors that facilitate use, and one’s perceived or influenced need for care.

What are predisposing factors Andersen model?

The most frequently researched predisposing factors were age, marital status, gender/sex, education, ethnicity/nativity and employment status.

What is predisposing enabling and need factors?

The predisposing factors are the demographic and social conditions that influence the person’s decision to use the service. The enabling factors are economic circumstances that facilitate service utilization. The need factors reflect the perceived health service needs and are related to the actual illness condition.

How does Anderson and Newman model help in understanding the Utilisation of health services?

The Andersen and Newman Behavioural Model (ANBM) for health service utilization provides a framework that permits systematic identification of factors that influence individual decisions to use (or not use) available health care services [27, 28].

What are some examples of enabling factors?

Enabling factors refer to individual or structural resources enabling or increasing the likelihood of service use. In dental care, this includes aspects such as income, health insurance coverage, availability of health services or regular sources of care, and means of transportation (16, 21–23).

What is examples of predisposing factors?

Predisposing factors are those factors which might mean that a person is vulnerable to developing a problem. An obvious example of this is the fact that offspring of alcohol dependent parents are more at risk of alcohol dependence than people without alcohol dependent parents.

What are examples of need factors?

Need factors, such as having a diagnosis of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or other psychotic disorder or having a substance use disorder increased the likelihood of being categorized as a HU. Characteristics with the strongest association with heavy use of a public mental health system were enabling and need factors.

What are the 3 types of risk factors?

In general, risk factors can be categorised into the following groups:

  • Behavioural.
  • Physiological.
  • Demographic.
  • Environmental.
  • Genetic.

What are enabling characteristics?

Enabling factors, or resources, include family characteristics such as income, insurance coverage, access to services (transportation and distance to care), and community characteristics such as availability of resources and region of the country.

What is the difference between precipitating and predisposing?

Predisposing factors are those that put a child at risk of developing a problem (in this case, high anticipatory distress). These may include genetics, life events, or temperament. Precipitating factors refer to a specific event or trigger to the onset of the current problem.