What is the advantage of a grid pattern of road network?

Advantages: 1) The rectangular plots may be further divided into small rectangular blocks for construction of buildings placed back to back, having roads on their front. 2) In this pattern has been adopted for the city roads. 3) The construction and maintenance of roads of this pattern is comparatively easier.

Which is the most popular road pattern?

Rectangular or Block Pattern The rectangular/ block/ grid pattern is a plan where the streets and roads are in the form of grids or blocks running perpendicularly into each other thus forming a grid or block.

What is star and grid pattern?

Radial Or Star And Grid Pattern: It is a network of roads consisting of a combination of radial and grid patterns. A radial network of roads spreads out from the center to the outwards directions. Then the radial streets are connected using a grid pattern.

What are the types of street patterns?

Road Pattern : 6 Types of Road Patterns Explained ( Pros & Cons)

  • Rectangular or Block Pattern.
  • Radial or Star and Block Pattern.
  • Radial or Star and Circular Pattern.
  • Radial or Star and Grid Pattern.
  • Hexagonal Pattern.
  • Minimum Travel Pattern.

What is a network road?

1. A set of intersecting roads and their interconnections allowing the selection of several different travel paths between the start and end points.

What is a street pattern?

Street patterns are a feature of urban areas which we can’t live without. Street patterns can make it easy to travel around in the city, it can cause heavy traffic congestion or make it very difficult to locate a place. There are THREE general types of street patterns – Grid iron. Planned irregular.

What is ODR road?

4- Minor or other District Roads (ODR) •These roads connect rural areas of production to market centres, or. other main roads.

What is Bombay road plan?

The Bombay Road plan (1961-81) The changed financial, industrial and agricultural conditions in the nation in that period required a review of the Nagpur design. Hence, a second long-term plan of 20-year was drafted by the Roads wing of Government of India, which is popularly known as the Bombay road plan.