What is the address of the naacp?

Mailing address: 4805 Mt. Hope Drive, Baltimore MD 21215. Local telephone number: (410) 580-5777. Toll free telephone number: (877) NAACP-98.

How do I get in contact with the naacp?

Contact NAACP

  1. National Headquarters. 4805 Mt.
  2. NAACP Constituent Services. Phone: (410)-580-5777.
  3. Hollywood Bureau. Los Angeles, CA.
  4. Washington Bureau. 1156 15th Street, NW Suite 915.
  5. Membership. Phone: (866) 636-2227.
  6. Field Organizing. Phone: (410) 580-5110.
  7. Fundraising. Phone: (410) 580-5615.
  8. Education & Scholarships.

Where is the naacp headquarters located today?

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People will move their national headquarters from Baltimore to Washington, D.C., the organization announced in a news release Monday.

What can the naacp do for me?

We work to disrupt inequality, dismantle racism, and accelerate change in key areas including criminal justice, health care, education, climate, and the economy. When it comes to civil rights and social justice, we have the unique ability to secure more wins than anyone else.

What does the NAACP do today?

NAACP Today Today, the NAACP is focused on such issues as inequality in jobs, education, health care and the criminal justice system, as well as protecting voting rights. The group also has pushed for the removal of Confederate flags and statues from public property.

How do I email the NAACP?

NAACP Headquarters Address and Contact

  1. Address: 4805 Mt Hope Dr, Baltimore, MD 21215, USA.
  2. Phone Number: +1 410-580-5777.
  3. Fax Number: (410) 358-1607.
  4. Email: [email protected].
  5. Number of Employees: 000.
  6. Established: February 12, 1909.
  7. Founder: W. E. B.
  8. Key People: Derrick Johnson, Leon W.

What are 3 accomplishments of the NAACP?

The NAACP-led Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, a coalition of civil rights organizations, spearheaded the drive to win passage of the major civil rights legislation of the era: the Civil Rights Act of 1957; the Civil Rights Act of 1964; the Voting Rights Act of 1965; and the Fair Housing Act of 1968.

Who is the current CEO of NAACP?

Derrick Johnson (Oct 21, 2017–)NAACP / CEO

Who is president of the NAACP?

Derrick Johnson
Derrick Johnson serves as President and CEO of the NAACP, a title he has held since October of 2017. President Johnson formerly served as vice chairman of the NAACP National Board of Directors, as well as state president for the Mississippi State Conference NAACP.

How much is a lifetime membership to the naacp?

$75/year for
Memberships start at $30/year for adults, $10 for youth 20 and under. Lifetime memberships start at $75/year for adults and $25/year for youth under 13. On-line memberships include a 3% processing fee, charged by our payment provider. I want to subscribe to the e-newsletter.