What is the 4th Joyful Mystery?

FOURTH JOYFUL MYSTERY: THE PRESENTATION IN THE TEMPLE We think especially of the little ones who are from the same part of the world as Jesus, and who, like the child Jesus, have had to flee their homes. This includes children like Sakeena Mteir (shown right).

What is the third Joyful Mystery?

Third Mystery: The Nativity An angel appeared to shepherds in the fields outside the city, proclaiming the Christ Child’s birth. The shepherds came and visited the Child, telling Mary and Joseph what had happened, and praised God.

What is the second Joyful Mystery?

The second Joyful Mystery is the Visitation. Scripture tells us that Mary, though pregnant, traveled with haste to visit her kinsmen—Zechariah and Elizabeth—and to help with Elizabeth’s own pregnancy.

What is the 2nd Joyful Mystery?

SECOND JOYFUL MYSTERY: THE VISITATION Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth after learning Elizabeth, thought to be past childbearing age, was pregnant. Even though Mary was pregnant herself, she made the trip to spend time with her cousin and share Elizabeth’s joy.

What are the 5 Glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosary?

The body of Jesus is placed in the tomb on the evening of Good Friday.

  • His soul descends into the realm of the dead to announce to the Just the tidings of their redemption.
  • Fearing the body of Jesus will be taken,the chief priests place guards at the tomb.
  • On the third day Jesus rises from the dead,glorious and immortal.
  • What is the fifth Joyful Mystery of the Rosary?

    Today’s rosary meditation focuses on The Fifth Joyful Mystery — The Finding of Jesus in the Temple. When returning from a festival in Jerusalem, Mary and Joseph noticed that Jesus was not in the caravan. They went back to Jerusalem and searched for Jesus for three days before finding Him in the temple talking to the elders.

    What is the last Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary?

    Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary Tuesday & Friday The Agony of Jesus in the Garden Jesus prays when confronted with the sins of the world. The Scourging at the Pillar Jesus is whipped before His execution. Jesus is Crowned with Thorns Jesus is mocked with a painful crown of thorns. Jesus Carried the Cross

    What are the five Joyful Mysteries?

    ♦Joyful Mysteries – Monday and Saturday. Also during the season of Advent they are recited on Sundays. Note: These were also normally recited on Thursday, but the Pope has suggested the new Luminous Mysteries for Thursday. ♦1. The Annunciation ♦2. The Visitation ♦3. The Nativity ♦4. The Presentation ♦5. The Finding of Jesus in the Temple