What is Terrance Zdunich doing now?

Zdunich and Hendelman are currently writing and recording music for the next phase of American Murder Song, focusing on the crimes of H. H. Holmes at the 1893 world’s fair.

Is there a sequel to Repo The Genetic Opera?

Darren Bousman is back in musical horror mode. The director behind the cult hit Repo: The Genetic Opera has been working on a thematic follow-up to Repo titled The Devil’s Carnival, a 55-minute musical set in Hell.

What is the plot of Repo The Genetic Opera?

In the mid-21st century, an epidemic of organ failures leads to the rise of GeneCo., a company providing transplants at a great price. Those who miss their payments become targets of GeneCo. mercenaries, who repossess the organs. In a world of drug addiction and legalized murder, a sheltered youth (Alexa Vega) seeks a cure for her rare disease as well as information about her family’s mysterious history. Her questions are answered at “The Genetic Opera.”Repo! The Genetic Opera / Film synopsis

What movie is Zydrate?

Repo! The Genetic OperaZydrate Anatomy / Movie

Will there be a third Devil’s Carnival?

The Devil’s Carnival, were always intended to be the first two chapters in a trilogy. Alleluia! kicked off and completed its traveling roadshow back in 2015 – the same release model for both titles – and we’ve since heard no chatter on a third as of this year of our pious lord, 2020.

Who wrote Repo The Genetic Opera?

Terrance Zdunich
Darren Smith
Repo! The Genetic Opera/Screenplay

How many Devil’s Carnival movies are there?

The Devil’s Carnival2012
Alleluia! The Devil’s Carnival2015
The Devil’s Carnival/Movies

Is there a sequel to The Devil’s Carnival?

Alleluia! The Devil’s CarnivalThe Devil’s Carnival / Sequel

Who is the narrator in repo?

Terrance Zdunich as GraveRobber, a peddler who obtains Zydrate from corpses and has connections to Amber, both sexually and as a dealer. He also seems to be Shilo’s first and only friend. Mysterious and charismatic, he acts as the narrator of the post-apocalyptic world.