What is Tenzen power in basilisk?

In the novel, Tenzen is able to regenerate without the aid of an internal symbiote, although it takes him longer to do so. He is also described as having feminine features with white hair and purple lips.

Who is the protagonist in basilisk?

Gennosuke Kouga
Gennosuke Kouga Yet despite being a man of peace, if pushed into a corner Gennosuke is more than capable of killing anyone who threatens him or his clansmen.

Who wins in basilisk?

The fighting finally ends when Hattori Hanzō the 1st succeeds in forging a cease fire between the two clans by conscripting both into the service of Tokugawa Ieyasu (the man who seized power to become Shogun and form Japan’s first truly stable form of centralized government).

What do mythical basilisks eat?

Their mortal weakness was the crowing of a rooster. Basilisks fed off vertebrate animals, but it is unknown how much they ate at one time. The Serpent of Slytherin survived on rats. The male could be distinguished from the female by a single scarlet plume on its head.

Is Hibiki actually Japanese?

Hibiki (Japanese: 響) (meaning “resonance” or “echo”) is a premium blended whisky produced in Japan by Beam Suntory (a subsidiary of Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd, which itself is a subsidiary of Suntory Holdings of Osaka, Japan). It is a premium-category product, and has won several awards.

Do they still make Hibiki?

The Hibiki 17-Year-Old, a famed Japanese whisky by Suntory that was featured in the 2003 movie Lost In Translation, will be officially discontinued.

What are the basilisks weaknesses?

The basilisk’s weakness is the odor of the weasel, which, according to Pliny, was thrown into the basilisk’s hole, recognizable because some of the surrounding shrubs and grass had been scorched by its presence.

Who wins in Basilisk?

Do Gennosuke and oboro get together?

Gennosuke Kōga Oboro fell deeply in love with Gennosuke when she met with him in Iga, immediately agreeing to the arranged marriage.