What is Tenuinucellate ovule?

Nucellus is the central part of ovule from which embryo sac develops. It may be massive known as crassinucellate or very thin called tenuinucellate.

What is Crassinucellate ovule give example?

Nucellus may be quite massive (crassinucellate ovule) or thin (tenuinucellate ovule). It is surrounded by one (unitegmic ovule, e.g., higher dicots) or two (bitegmic ovule, e.g., monocots and primitive dicots) multicellular integuments.

What does Tenuinucellate mean?

tenuinucellate (not comparable) (botany) Having no nucellar tissue separating the embryo sac and the epidermis.

What is Unitegmic?

Adjective. unitegmic (not comparable) Having or pertaining to a single integument.

What is the meaning of Tenuinucellate?

What is Polygonum type of embryo sac?

The normal or polygonum type of embryo sac is a monosporic eight nucleate. The embryo sac develops from the chalazal megaspore. Its nucleus divides thrice to form eight nuclei. This type is known as normal or polygonum type (first time described in polygonum divaricatum by Starsburger) of embryo sac.

What is Hemianatropous ovule?

d) Hemianatropous: Ovule turns at a right angle upon the funicle. Example: Ranunculus. e) Amphitropous: Both the body of the ovule and embryo sac is curved. Embryo sac becomes curved as horseshoe-shaped. Example: Poppy.

What is Unitegmic ovule?

– Unitegmic: Ovules which have only one integument in it. Gymnosperms have a unitegmic ovule. – Bitegmic: Ovules which have only two integuments in it. Angiosperms have a bitegmic ovule. – Tritegmic: Ovules which have only three integuments in it.

What is Orthotropous?

Definition of orthotropous : having the ovule straight and upright with the micropyle at the apex.

What is Tritegmic?

Tritegmic- Ovules that have three layers of integument are called tritegmic, like Asphodelus. It has been observed that the lesser the number of integuments, more specialized is the integument itself.

What is Campylotropous ovule?

Definitions of campylotropous ovule. a curved ovule with the micropyle almost touching the funiculus. type of: ovule. a small body that contains the female germ cell of a plant; develops into a seed after fertilization.

What is polygonum used for?

Polygonum multiflorum is an herb native to China, extracts of which has been used for centuries as a treatment for a wide range of conditions including backache, dizziness, liver disease, graying of the hair and constipation. P. multiflorum is also known as Shou Wu Pian, He Shou Pian, Fo-Ti and Chinese knotweed.