What is technology literacy according to authors?

”The learnt ability to gain and combine technical know-how together with other forms of social and cultural understanding to identify and qualify opportunities for the deployment, use and application of new and disruptive technologies within a professional context”.

What is technology literacy in 21st century skills?

Literacy in the 21st century is about constructing and validating knowledge. Digital technologies have enabled the spread of all kinds of information, displacing traditional formats of usually more carefully curated information such as encyclopaedias and newspapers.

What are the two important elements of technology literacy?

This involves: Understanding and capitalising upon the ways in which the online world differs from the offline world. Reflecting on one’s learning in digital spaces. Being part of an online community.

What is the role of technology literacy?

Technological literacy prepares individuals to make well-informed choices in their role as consumers. The world is full of products and services that promise to make people’s lives easier, more enjoyable, more efficient, or healthier, and more and more of these products appear every year.

What is technology literacy and its example?

Students who possess technology literacy are able to easily utilize a variety of digital devices (e.g., computers, smartphones, tablets) and interfaces (e.g., e-mail, internet, social media, cloud computing) to communicate, troubleshoot and problem solve in both academic and non-academic surroundings.

What are the 5 technology literacy skills?

5 Digital literacy skills employers want to see

  • Independent research.
  • Familiarity with terms and common platforms.
  • Collaboration.
  • Adapting to new technology.
  • Teaching or explaining technologies you use.

What are the four C’s of 21st century?

The Granite School District Educational Technology Department seeks to leverage the power of technology to support the “Four Cs” of 21st Century Learning: Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, and Creativity.

What is technology literacy examples?

What are the three characteristics of a technologically literate person?

1). “Technological literacy encompasses three interdependent dimensions: (1) knowledge, (2) ways of thinking and acting; and (3) capabilities” (Technically Speaking, 2006, p. 1).

What are the characteristics of technology literacy?