What is tangua system?

Definition: Taungya System is a form of agroforestry system in which short-term crops are grown in the early years of the plantation of a woody perennials species to utilize the land, control weeds, reduce establishment costs, generate early income, and stimulate the development of the woody perennials species.

What are the types of taungya system?

There are basically two types of taungya systems, called, in this paper, the traditional and departmental systems. The traditional taungya system is the earlier and more widely practiced of the two in the tropics. It is widely practiced in Nigeria.

What is the advantage of taungya system?

(b) Advantages of taungya farming are (i) it leads to variety in crops harvested. (ii) lt also leads to availability of crop produced throughout the year. (iii) When leguminous crops are used, the beneficial effect of root nodules increases soil fertility for the benefit of the forest trees.

Who introduced taungya system in India?

The taungya (taung = hill, ya = cultivation) is a Burmese word coined in Burma in 1850s. The taungya system was introduced into India by Brandis in 1890 and the first taungya plantations were raised in 1896 in North Bengal.

Where is taungya cultivation?

It is still practiced in the states of Kerala, West Bengal, Orissa, Karnataka and the north-eastern hill region. This is a modified form of shifting cultivation in which the labour is permitted to raise agri-crops in an area but only side by side with the forest species planted by it.

How many taungya systems are there?

three types
There are three types of Taungya .

What are the advantages of taungya system for soil and crops?

The taungya method of combined agricultural and silvicultural activites, as seen above, is also advantageous in that fertilizing and weeding, primarily intended for the increased productivity of crop plants, also promotes the growth of seedlings of useful trees.