What is Sye driveshaft?

Slip Yoke and Slip Yoke Eliminator Within many Jeeps, the slip yoke describes an internal splined shaft that’s connected to the driveshaft itself using a universal joint. The slip yoke is present to transfer power from your Jeep’s transfer case to the driveshaft, sliding in and out of the transfer case.

What does slip yoke eliminator do?

A slip yoke eliminator kit shortens your transfer case, which then necessitates a longer driveshaft. A longer driveshaft means you’ll have a flatter drivetrain angle, reducing vibrations and wear on drivetrain parts if your Jeep has an agressive lift installed.

Do I need an Sye XJ?

No you don’t need an sye to lift an xj. You WILL need tools, jack stands, jack, and some beer to do it.

Why do I have a Sye?

Styes are caused by bacteria from your skin (usually staphylococci bacteria) that gets into and irritates the oil glands in the eyelids. These bacteria, which normally exist harmlessly on the skin of the eye, can sometimes get trapped along with dead skin cells on the edge of the eyelid.

How do you know if you have a Sye?

Yours is a fixed yoke and shorter so theres your SYE aka slip yoke eliminator. The CV style drive shaft you can tell it is one by how it has the to joints right at the fixed yoke on the t-case and it also has that slip joint (where the blue is).

What is a CV style driveshaft?

Universal and constant-velocity (CV) joints connect your transmission to your driveshaft and allow rotational power to be sent to your axles.

How do I know if my Jeep has a slip yoke eliminator?

How do I know if I need a Sye?

The most relevant thing to the SYE is your driveline angles at the t-case and pinion yoke. If your lift is actually 2″ you may not need one, if your lift is actually 3″ you may be pushing the angle envelope. There are other ways (less expensive) to circumvent the SYE depending on the angles you are dealing with.

How do you tell if a Jeep has a Sye?

Do I need an Sye?

A slip yoke eliminator is a cure for driveline vibrations caused by doing a suspension lift. If you don’t have driveline vibrations you don’t need a SYE. If you’re asking if you have a SYE, post a pic of the rear of your transfer case.