What is starburst artifact?

If the scanned material includes features that are of much higher density than the surrounding matrix, a “starburst” artifact can form in which bright streaks emanate from the object for a short distance into nearby material, potentially obscuring features.

What causes beam hardening artifact?

Some of these artifacts are produced due to a phenomenon, referred to as beam hardening. When the x-ray beam travels through an object, the low-energy photons are absorbed more than the high-energy photons; this phenomenon is referred to as beam hardening. This phenomenon is produced by objects with a high density.

What does artifactual mean on CT scan?

Artifacts are commonly encountered in clinical computed tomography (CT), and may obscure or simulate pathology. There are many different types of CT artifacts, including noise, beam hardening, scatter, pseudoenhancement, motion, cone beam, helical, ring, and metal artifacts.

What is quantum mottle artifact?

Quantum mottle is the statistical fluctuation of the number of photons absorbed by the intensifying screens to form the light image on the film. Quantum Mottle artifact is when the x-rays are produced but aren’t produced in a uniform manner. It’s random as to how they are made.

What causes partial volume effect?

Partial volume effects (PVE) are caused by the limited spatial resolution of the γ camera and the sampling of the reconstructed images into the matrix. Due to limited spatial resolution the observed intensity will be lower than the actual intensity of the source.

What is an artifact on a brain MRI?

An MRI artifact is a visual artifact (an anomaly seen during visual representation) in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It is a feature appearing in an image that is not present in the original object.

How do you fix beam hardening?

One way to reduce the effect of beam hardening is the use of a filter, an additional sheet of material (typically a metal such as copper or aluminum) between the X-ray tube and the sample. This filter reduces the ratio of low to high energy photons in the spectrum, i.e., it is effectively narrowing the spectrum.

How do I stop beam hardening artifact?

Beam hardening reduction Streak artifacts can sometimes effectively be reduced by increasing tube voltage (better penetration of high-density objects), or by using a dual-energy imaging approach.

What does it mean when an MRI shows an artifact?

Artifacts in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be caused by the MR scanner hardware itself or by the interaction of the patient with the hardware [1]. Artifacts and foreign bodies within the patient’s body may be confused with a pathology or just reduce the quality of examinations.

What is the most common artifact noted when imaging the brain in CT imaging?

The most common artifact used in the CT departments was motion artifact in brain CT (73%), and the best method to reduce motion artifact was patient preparation (87%).

How do you fix quantum mottle?

Quantum mottle noise is a result of an inefficient number of photons reaching the imaging plate due to an error in the preset exposure factors (mAs and kVp). This can produce a grainy image that can be easily corrected by adjusting the mAs or kVp, whichever is appropriate for the clinical situation.

What is the main cause of quantum mottle?

Quantum mottle is a type of radiographic noise directly related to the number of x-ray photons exiting the patient and forming the radiographic image. Fewer photons reaching the image receptor will cause an undesirable fluctuation in image densities, resulting in images with a grainy, or sandlike, appearance.