What is spiritual leadership?

Spiritual leadership is a type of leadership characterized by defending integrity, goodness, teamwork, knowing, wholeness, and interconnectedness (Aydin and Ceylan, 2009).

What are the qualities of a spiritual leader?

• The Spiritual Leader is a Motivator He/She arouses enthusiasm and persistence to pursue the vision and empowers others to do the same. It is through the power of persuasion- not coercion.

What should be the role of spirituality in leadership?

Leadership in spirituality plays a pivotal role in terms of ethics and values, that is to say, in inculcating and reinforcing personal, team, and organizational values (36). Leadership and ethics share a synergistic relationship in spirituality because leadership ensures ethics and ethics is central to leadership.

How do you become a spiritual leader?

Mahatma Gandhi is quoted as saying, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Similarly, I believe the best way to become a spiritual leader is to imitate the greatest leader, Jesus, and make it a priority of your life to serve others.

What are the two strong pillars of spiritual leadership?

There are two pillars that support the attributes of a great leader: humility and endurance.

What is the name for a spiritual leader?

What is another word for spiritual leader?

guru sage
maharishi religious teacher
spiritual advisor spiritual guide
teacher master
mentor swami

What is a spiritual leader called?

nounteacher of spiritual path. advisor. guru. maharishi. master.

Who are spiritual teachers?

Spiritual teachers fall into several subcategories: Shaykhs or Sufi teachers, Gurus (including Hindu Gurus, Sant Mat Gurus, and Sikh Gurus), Buddhist teachers, including Tibetan Lamas (which is really simply the Tibetan word for Guru), and Mahasiddhas, who may be claimed by both Buddhist and Hindu traditions.