What is SPI in AVR?

The SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) is a peripheral used to communicate between the AVR and other devices, like others AVRs, external EEPROMs, DACs, ADCs, etc. With this interface, you have one Master device which initiates and controls the communication, and one or more slaves who receive and transmit to the Master.

How do you use SPI in AVR?

SPI Master Initialization steps

  1. Make MOSI, SCK, and SS pins directions as output.
  2. Make MISO pin direction as input.
  3. Make SS pin High.
  4. Enable SPI in Master mode by setting SPE and MSTR bits in the SPCR register.
  5. Set SPI Clock Rate Bits combination to define SCK frequency.

Is ATmega328 an AVR?

ATmega328 is an Advanced Virtual RISC (AVR) microcontroller. It supports 8-bit data processing. ATmega-328 has 32KB internal flash memory.

Which registers are in the AVR to dedicated to SPI?

The AVR contains the following three registers that deal with SPI: SPCR – SPI Control Register – This register is basically the master register i.e. it contains the bits to initialize SPI and control it. SPSR – SPI Status Register – This is the status register. This register is used to read the status of the bus lines.

What is SPI control register?

SPCR (Serial Peripheral Control Register) contains the following bits that control the functions of the SPI: SPIE (SPI Interrupt Enable) is set to generate an interrupt when either the SPI Transfer Complete (SPIF) or Mode Fault (MODF) bits set. LSBF (LSB First) is set to transfer SPI data starting with bit 0.

What are the applications of SPI?

Applications of SPI

  • Memory: SD Card , MMC , EEPROM , Flash.
  • Sensors: Temperature and Pressure.
  • Control Devices: ADC , DAC , digital POTS and Audio Codec.
  • Others: Camera Lens Mount, touchscreen, LCD, RTC, video game controller, etc.

What is a SPI programmer?

The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) programmer (Superpro IS01 or Gang ISP programmer SuperPro IS03) provides fast programming of any SPI memory device by controlling the SPI bus signals directly through a dedicated high-speed SPI interface on the programmer.

What is ATmega328 AVR?

Microchip Technology ATmega328 8-bit AVR® Microcontrollers (MCUs) are high-performance RISC-based devices that combine 32KB ISP Flash memory with read-while-write capabilities, 1KB EEPROM, 2KB SRAM, 23 general-purpose I/O lines, 32 general-purpose working registers, serial programmable USART, and more.

What is the SPI status register?

The SPI Registers always initiated by the master, and the peripheral device is called the slave. The master initiates a transfer by storing a byte in the SPI data register (SP0DR for 6812, SPDR for 6811). The bits are shifted out as shown in Fig.

Is SPI digital or analog?

This article provides a brief description of the SPI interface followed by an introduction to Analog Devices’ SPI enabled switches and muxes, and how they help reduce the number of digital GPIOs in system board design. SPI is a synchronous, full duplex main-subnode-based interface.